100th Birthday Celebration for Former 'Rosie the Riveter' Draws a Crowd - Hingham Anchor

100th Birthday Celebration for Former ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Draws a Crowd

November 1, 2021 By Carol Britton Meyer

Photos by Joshua Ross Photography

The celebration of the 100th birthday of Kingston resident Margaret Spalluzzi -- who worked at Hingham Shipyard during World War II as a welder -- drew a crowd of friends, family, veterans, town officials, and other well-wishers during an event at Hingham Shipyard Tuesday.

Spalluzzi was among the many women who stepped up to fill the shoes of men who were going off to war, helping to build more than 200 ships from 1942-1945.

Shipyard developer Samuels & Associates partnered with the town's Historical Society and Veterans' Services department to honor Spalluzzi -- one of the original "Rosie the Riveters" -- to commemorate her outstanding service to our country on the occasion of her 100th birthday.

"Rosie" -- primarily a fictional character -- was featured in a campaign geared toward recruiting female workers for defense industries during World War II and became one of the most iconic images of working women during that time period.

Performing her job in a room with no heat -- wearing steel-toed boots and flannel pajamas under heavy work clothes -- Spalluzzi and her fellow workers performed regular shifts at the Shipyard, in addition to overtime.

Spalluzzi loved being a welder, performing a job that contributed to the war effort and considers it a blessing that her husband, Tony, and her brothers all returned from the war.

The festivities included a bugle call; parade of colors by the Hingham Police Department Color Guard; a welcome and recognition of honored guests and remarks by Moderator Paul Healey; presentation of citations and certificates of appreciation from state legislators in honor of her service; and presentation of a gift to Spalluzzi by Leslie Cohen, Principal and COO, on behalf of Samuels & Associates in recognition of her lifetime achievements.

A floral bouquet was presented to the Hingham Harbormaster for transfer to those lost at sea, with Hingham veterans providing an escort for Spalluzzi.

She lives in Kingston in the home built by her husband 70 years ago. Her immediate family includes her daughter, Annette, and her husband Bruce; grandchildren Michael, Jackie and her husband Daryl, Jason and his wife Robin; and great-grandchildren Braden and Noah.

View the slideshow below for more photos. 

1 thought on “100th Birthday Celebration for Former ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Draws a Crowd”

  1. Very heartwarming story about Margaret. Great pictures. Thank goodness we had women and men like Margaret who proudly served our country.
    Happy 100th birthday.

    Anita Wassersug


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