9 Year-Old Child in Crosswalk Struck by Vehicle in Front of Plymouth River School - Hingham Anchor

9 Year-Old Child in Crosswalk Struck by Vehicle in Front of Plymouth River School

August 6, 2020 by Hingham Police Department

A child suffered serious injuries after being struck by car while crossing the street in a crosswalk Wednesday. The child was taken by medical helicopter to the hospital.

On Wednesday August 6, 2020 at 5:31pm Officers responded to a report of a child struck by a vehicle in front of the Plymouth River School at 200 High Street. Officers found an injured 9 year old boy in the road. Hingham Fire Department Paramedics requested a medical helicopter. The child was flown by Boston MedFlight to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

Investigation shows the victim and another 9 year old boy were leaving the Plymouth River School and waited at the marked crosswalk to cross High Street. Cars in both directions stopped at the crosswalk to allow the boys to cross. An SUV traveling east on High Street drove around the stopped eastbound cars passing into the oncoming lane. The front of the SUV then struck the first boy in the crosswalk in the westbound lane. The second boy was not hit. The SUV stopped at the scene. A crosswalk warning sign is posted near the painted crosswalk.

The driver, a 61 year old Scituate woman, was cited for 1) Negligent Operation 2) Failure to Yield to a Pedestrian in a Crosswalk 3) Marked Lanes Violation. She will appear at a hearing on the charges at Hingham District Court at a future date.

Hingham Officers were assisted at the scene by Massachusetts State Police assigned to the Plymouth County District Attorney’s Office, Collision Analysis Reconstruction Section and Crime Scene Services.

3 thoughts on “9 Year-Old Child in Crosswalk Struck by Vehicle in Front of Plymouth River School”

  1. There is no excuse for this. None. What an absolute disgrace! The woman deserves prison time. All thoughts and prayers go out to the injured boy and his parents.

  2. I’ve seen this happen personally atleast 3 or 4 times….with no accidents thank God. But it’s a serious problem.


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