New public safety facility in the works - Hingham Anchor

New public safety facility in the works

HPD headquarters
March 10, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

There’s big news! Last night the Selectmen voted to endorse a letter of intent to purchase property on Lincoln Street.  “In a nutshell, we are proposing the town purchase a 3.1 acre parcel (current location of Russo Marine), upon which we will construct a public safety facility (police station and satellite fire station),” Selectman Mary Power told the Hingham Anchor.

The board also introduced warrant articles for design funding to renovate the space currently occupied by the Police Department, “enabling us to double or triple the size of the senior center,” Power said.

Town Administrator Tom Mayo’s presentation will be posted on the town website later today. Mayo will make the  presentation at tonight’s Advisory Committee meeting. The AC’s recommendations will be included in the April 27 Town Meeting warrant.

Stay tuned for further details.

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