Foster School progress report

Photo courtesy of Foster PTO

April 8, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

Foster School parents, administrators, and teachers are keeping their fingers crossed.

The Selectmen signed a School Building Committee letter and a compliance form last night indicating that public meetings have been held, and feasibility study money is available through the town budget, as part of the process leading up to a potential complete renovation of Foster School, or a new building, with hoped-for partial reimbursement from the Massachusetts School Building Authority.

"The MSBA requires the town as well as school officials to sign off on this project," Selectmen Chair Karen Johnson said.

Town Meeting voters will consider a warrant article that if it passes will allocate additional funds toward the required feasibility study if the project advances further.

Signing the letter and form will help ensure that Foster School will continue to be considered for possible partial state funding for either a major renovation or a new school.

"The planning process is continuing as we work hand-in-hand with the Massachusetts School Building Authority," Johnson said.

Hingham Public Schools officials received the good news last December that following the submission of a Statement of Interest to the MSBA for the third time-- in April 2019 -- seeking financial assistance for the proposal, the Town of Hingham was invited into the MSBA's Eligibility Period.

Accordingly, the MSBA has been working  with Hingham school and other town officials to determine the town's financial and community readiness to enter what is called the MSBA Capital Pipeline.

This is the first of a number of steps required before a final decision will be made by the MSBA as to whether to grant significant partial funding for a Foster School project.

"There's a lot to be done and a great deal of data to be collected [in the meantime], including enrollment figures," Johnson said.

Ultimately, the town would not be committed to filing for an application for funding with the MSBA unless through an affirmative Town Meeting vote.

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