August 2, 2020 by Laura Harper Winters
Photos by Joshua Ross Photography
Nothing has been typical about 2020 and the Hingham High School graduation ceremony was no exception. Held two months later than it was originally scheduled, guests and graduates donned masks and chairs were distanced. However much the ceremony changed, Covid 19 couldn't damper the spirits of the 2020 graduates who celebrated the culmination of their Hingham education yesterday.
In her speech, Senior class president, Courtney Sherwood, described the anticipation by sharing, "waiting for this graduation was like waiting for a hingham snow day, unlikely, odds against us, but hopeful till the very end."
Speakers included Valedictorian, Sam Raphaelson, Class President, Courtney Sherwood, and Salutatorian, Clare Trinchet.
The full transcript of each of their speeches is available via the above hyperlinks.
Salutatorian, Clare Trinchet, described the lessons that they've learned through this long, strange year by sharing, "the most important lesson is that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. She continued, "if you learn how to pick yourself up and see these challenges as an opportunity for growth, you will find ways to be successful throughout your life."
Congratulations to the Class of 2020.
Class of 2020
Anthony William Achille
Matthew Francis Ahern
Raphael Owen Alexander
Kenneth Thomas Amonte
Emma May Angel
Paige Nicole Ashley
Sydney Rose Ashley
Taylor Christian Aymar
Leeon Bacchus
Cameron Cormack Baker
John Charles Bankhead
Olivia Grace Barbuto
Ronan Patrick Baynes
Jonathan Dylan Beck
Jacob William Becker
Lila Jane Belsher
Grace Anne Bennis
Liam George Bevens
Wesley Bradford Bevins
Madeleine Hurley Blackwood
Maria Jean Blake
Ryley Newell Blasetti
Lydia Wheeler Boer
Kaya George Bogle
Molly Tracy Bombard
Duncan Alfred Bonnell
Schuyler Chapman Bordeau
Katelyn Margaret Breen
Harrison Francis Brennan
Livia Rachel Brennan
Emily Schaefer Bryant
William Schell Bryant
Colby Gavin Burns
Angel Dawn Busby
Elizabeth Yana Butler
Joseph James Cahill
Sylvia Marie Calvi
Nicholas Paul Capodilupo
Bridget Ann Carew
Quinn Caimin Carmody-Kaczor
Ian Enrique Carrillo Londergan
Jackson Sullivan Carroll
Timothy O'Kane Carroll
Emma Grace Casey
Brady Jeffrey Cashman
Claire Elizabeth Cassell
Ana Lee Celidonio
Iason Chaimalas
Claire Elizabeth Chapman
Tehya Kanoa Alexandra Coflin
Paige Kennedy Cohen
Caroline Faith Concannon
Terrence Michael Concannon
Aidan Cole Connerly
John Xavier Connolly
Charles Joseph Cooper IV
Benjamin Paul Corbett
Isabella Corrado
Max Matthew Coughlan
Caroline Jean Crawford
Nicholas Daniel Cronin
Sarah Michele Curry
Cooper Dainton
Ciara Marie Dale
Marley Maya Dann
Conrad Pollard Davis
Stephen Michael Davis
Celia Quinn Del Rosso
Lucas Wilson d'Entremont
Owen Andrew DesLauriers
Alexandra Grace Dewire
Meghan Mary Diamond
William Laurence Diedrich
Dananh Pham Do
Bennett Warren Donahue
Kaleigh Rose Donovan
Patrick William Doyle
Manothini Elizabeth Dupee
James Proctor Durkin
Delia Catherine Dwan
George Cosimo Egan
Audrey Elizabeth Ehler
Jordan Jamison Epstein
Gavin Jerome Erickson
Samantha Marlene Espinal
Mary Grace Estes
James Robert Eustace
Sarah Elizabeth Falb
Jonathan Jamieson Fasoli
Claire Elizabeth Fennelly
Emma Marie Fennelly
Cole Mason Finney
Kimberly Eleanor Flibotte
Julia Anne Foley
Liam Jeremiah Foley
Elisabeth Doucet Ford
Aaron Bailey Gallacher
Bridget Elizabeth Gallagher
Colin Joseph Gannon
Paula Teresa Garcia-Cachero
Tati Elise Garvin
Ethan Hunter Gates
Evelyn Rose Gebhardt
George Patrick Gibson
Shanah Mary Goddard
Brynn Elizabeth Golden
Paul Putnam Goldman
George Alistair Gong
Olivia Rae Goodwin
Whitney Anne Gray
Chloe Rose Green
Antonio McGeary Griffin
Lindsey Tracey Griffin
John Griffin-Weitzman
Sierra Rose Grissom
Andrew Vladimir Gutnichenko
Lucie Ann Haberlin
William Richard Ham
Jaclyn Elizabeth Hanlon
Corinne Elizabeth Hanney
Charles Grady Harrington
Mackenzie Philson Hay
Nathan Frederick Hill
Gordon Powell Hlidek
Owen Thomas Hull
Joseph Thomas Hunter
Emma Claire Hynes
Domenic Paulo Iaria
Joseph James Iaria
Robert Ross Iaria
Henry Gilman Jack
Devin Arthur James
William Patrick James
Morgan Rockne Jefford
Denis Henry Johnson
Jessica Maureen Johnson
Christian Michael Julian
Liam Patrick Keliher
Zachary William Kelleher
Allison Marie Kelley
Sean Jack Kelly
Luke Gerald Kenny
Ruth Elin Kerber
Nikolai Kindler
Ava Currie Knoll
Thomas Francis Koenen
Ronan Jacob Kremer
Lindsay Jordan Kuser
Devan Frederick Kushnir
Sammi Kok Yan Lai
Elizabeth Claire Laine
Evan Alden Lamlein
Alexandra Elizabeth Lannon
Claudia Rose Larson
Lilly Emma Lashar
Robert Chi-on Lee
Jordan James Leibovici
Troy Joseph Lemay
Tess Elizabeth Leonard
Wyatt Linton Le Penske
Stori Shontay Levarity
Emerson Clay Lewiecki
Nicole Marie License
Rebecca Beverly Linscott
Gaige Mathew Lishman
Timothy Michael Lovell Jr
Nicholas DeSantis Lynch
Delaney Grace MacKay
Isabella Anne MacNaughton
Elizabeth Hally MacPherson
Mary Madden Maffei
Zachary Charles Mallett
Alexander Donovan Malloy
Mollie Hayes Manley
Mary Elizabeth Mann
Gabriela Vieira Manning
Brendan John Mannion
Alexa Wray Marchand
Evan Harris Marwill
Luke Ryan Mashburn
Patrick Edward Massey
John Baxter McCarthy
Peyton Elizabeth McCormick
Taylor Elizabeth McDonald
Ciara Grace McDonough
Thomas Hugh McGirr Jr
Aidan Bryce McGowan
Lauren Elizabeth McGrath
Grace Elizabeth McIsaac
Benjamin Paul McKelvey
Katherine Jean McNally
Edouard Thibault Marie Megard
Karl Erik Migliaccio
Madeleine Rose Mildrum
Emily Camden Miller
Leanne Thu Moczynski
Olivia Rosanna Monarch
Susanna Patricia Moore
Chloe Cosgrove Morrissey
Emily Gloria Morton
Gwen Caitlin Moyer
Taylor Alana Moynihan
Grant Hin-Fun Mui
Mark Ryan Mulflur
Matthew James Mulkerrin
Blake Johnstone Murphy
Conor George Murphy
Phoebe Helen Murphy
Matthew Owen Murray
Jack Leonard Muse
Christian Fredrick Najjar
Bradley James Nelson
Maja Catherine Nielsen
Abigail Ann Nolan
Olivia Perry Nolan
William Eugene Hemenway Nutt
Owen Joseph O'Brien
Marina Elsie Jennings O'Callaghan
William Charles O'Connell
Avery Shea O'Connor
Bridget Mary O'Connor
Deanna Elizabeth O'Donnell
Máire Cadigan O'Driscoll
Connor Joseph O'Hanley
Sophia Maria Oomen-Lochtefeld
Aidan Patrick O'Sullivan
Daniel Robert Packard
Siena Gamble Palese
Jessica Elizabeth Parnell
Noah Hunter Nicholas Parsley
Cooper Philip Pennell
Barbara Frances Pizzella
Haley Rose Platt
Riley Elisabeth Potter
Romee Nethma Premasiri
Carly Jean Price
William Hastings Procter
Emma Rose Quilty
Elisabeth Marcus Quinlivan
Owen Christopher Quinn
Luke Eliot Rand
Libby Mae Ranocha
Samuel Caleb Raphaelson
Carl Nathan Rasmussen
Caroline Powers Raso
Robert Maillett Recalde
Grace Eileen Richards
Joseph John Richiell III
Lance Christian Riddell
Patrick Edward Rizzo
Hannah Campbell Robson
Anthony Edward Rochte
Conor Augustine Carnevale Ronan
Louise Sperry Roof
Matthew Paul Rouleau
Dawson Charles Rowe
Brigham Lyon Rowley
Hunter Thomsen Ruddick
Erin Shea Russavage
Angelo Michael Ryan
Thomas Robert Ryer
Riley Thurston St. Pierre
John Marcos Sandberg
Dylan Joseph Savitscus
Claire Ann Schnorr
Peyton Joy Semjen
Christopher Tan Setiawan
Kevin James Shannon
Cooper Andrew Shape
Courtney Quinn Vallandingham Sherwood
Taggart Shivaram Shetty
Ryan Christopher Shetzline
Robert Jordan Shickel IV
Bridget Ann Skeffington
Liam Allaire Slane
Francesca May Solimini
Emma Ruth Sommers
Winston Salvy Southworth
Gary Anthony Edward Spartos
Sophie Anne Spielberger
Linden Sumner Stadtlander
Sydney Olivia Starling
Burke John Sullivan
Joseph Paul Sullivan
Joseph Shawn Sullivan
Ryan Parker Swett
Shan Charles Syed
Cameron Luke Tedeschi
Clare Essington Trinchet
Alessandra Gloria Turco
Adeline Bales Van Buskirk
David Matthew Vinton
Julia Anne Waal
Ethan Michael Wahlberg
Dorian Molife Walker
Delaney Ann Walsh
Michael Patrick Walsh
Sean Edward Walsh
Catherine Rollins Ward
Josephine Mary Ward
Samuel Adams Ward
Lucas Xavier Webber
Benjamin Robert Weisenbeck
Jack Donahue Whamond
Blaine Falcone Wiley
Harriet Violet Wiley
Christopher James Williamson
Morgan Elizabeth Willison
Alexander Yishin Zhong