Beloved Pharmacist Retires After 40 Years

Photo courtesy of Hingham Centre Pharmacy

October 28, 2020 by Maryellen Dever                    

When Paul Mabey walked into work at the Hingham Centre Pharmacy for the first time in August, 1980, he never thought he’d still be there 40 years later. Freshly graduated from pharmacy school, it wasn’t long before this city boy became a part of the Hingham Centre Pharmacy family. As he said recently, “I loved it here so much, I never left!”

Now, though, it’s time for a change. Paul Mabey has announced that he is retiring as of Saturday, October 31st.  He’s very excited about the upcoming changes, but will miss the store, the town, and the customers. He is very much looking forward to spending more time with his family and honing his competitive skill on the Pickleball court. He said he expects to run into customers there; or while walking in Wompatuck, World’s End, or Turkey Hill with his wife Mary and dog Jolie.

Paul says it has been his pleasure to be Pharmacist to literally “multi-generations of families in Hingham.” He has enjoyed getting to know so many people here and to have made a difference in their lives. He added, “You certainly have made a huge difference in my life.

Also making a difference in his life were Whit and Marge Price, who owned the store and hired Paul. He credits Whit for “teaching me everything”, including the attention to customer service and family atmosphere that makes Hingham Centre Pharmacy so unique. He also thanks Rocky and Jane Tenaglia, the current family owners, “who have been especially fun to work with for 27 years”; along with current and former co-workers. (Prior to the Prices, Pharmacist Vincent Carnes owned the store.)

Since word of his retirement got out, there has been a steady stream of well-wishers coming in the store. Paul will be working Friday and Saturday until closing, for those who would still like to wish him well in person.

While he’s still “The Boss”, he has the last word:

“It has truly been an honor and a pleasure to work here in Hingham Centre - as Whit Price would say, "Best Place on Earth!"

Thank you, my Hingham family. I wish you continued good health.

I will miss you all!”

2 thoughts on “Beloved Pharmacist Retires After 40 Years”

  1. Paul I cannot get out in snow but wish you well and fun in retirement .Nice piece by Mary Ellen It will not be the same wihout you Sincerly Pat Granahan

  2. Congratulations Paul! Just heard the news and remember when you stated working there. Although I’ve moved to NH many years ago, I often remember the fun times in Hingham with you & Mary. Best Wishes and enjoy pickle ball.


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