‘We The People Project’ seeks unity amidst national unrest

Dr. Galo recording a segment for the project, Photo courtesy of Diane DeNapoli

January 19, 2021, Submitted by Diane DeNapoli

Last Monday night, I got a text from a good friend of mine Mary Ann Blackmur rather late at night simply stating “call me please.” Alarmed I called Mary Ann, and she said “I want to DO something." Immediately, and with no other details I knew her comments were in response to the shocking and deadly events that unfolded at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Like so many people, Mary Ann and I were trying to process a wide variety of emotions about the state of our nation. 

Mary Ann Blackmur, Photo courtesy of Diane DeNapoli

Mary Ann and I tossed out some ideas on how the community might unite in a meaningful way to capture the mood of the moment. Trying to find the right tone at such a raw moment was essential, so I reached out to School Committee Member, and friend, Nes Correnti. Nes is also an active member of the Hingham Unity Council as I thought she could offer a valuable and different perspective on some ideas Mary Ann and I were discussing. Sure enough, after talking with Nes for less than 30 minutes, we took an idea that Mary Ann had, to read The Constitution, and turned it into the “We the People Project.”

I reached out to Harbor Media about filming a group of readers who work, live and represent the town of Hingham reading the Preamble of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Harbor Media was immediately receptive and Joe Collymore and I went to work getting the readers and the shoot in place. It was important for all involved in the project that we attempt to have a blend of demographics represented in the project.

Much to my great surprise given the division in our country over political ideology, racial justice, and COVID-19 response (to name just a few pressing issues), every person I reached out to was very enthusiastic to participate in this project. People clearly understood that it was an opportunity to focus on what unites us as a country. As Americans we are united by law and are deeply bonded by the sacred vow of fostering a “more perfect union.”

I would like to thank The Hingham Historical Society and Harbor Media for their hard work putting this segment together on such short notice. I would also like to thank the following participants and supporters of the project: Mrs. Mary Ann Blackmur, Ms. Nes Correnti, Representative Joan Meschino, Senator Patrick O’Connor, Dr. Galo, Dr. Austin, Retired Sgt. David Horte, Emmet Lewiecki, Ms. Tina Randall, Dr. Ni, Joan Price, Selectman Bill Ramsey, Ms. Lissa King and Mrs. Eileen McCracken.

The “We the People” segment will air at 8 PM on Tuesday, January 19th and every night through January thanks to Harbor Media on Verizon 2131 and Comcast 97.

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