Andreas Agiorgitis Obituary


February 7, 2021

Andreas Agiorgitis passed away unexpectedly on February 7, 2021. After making a full recovery from a stroke in 2013, he died from related underlying issues. He is survived by his wife Rachel; his daughter Samantha; his mother Kate and his stepfather Mel; his sisters Tiffany and Shannon; his father Nikolaos; aunts and uncles; loving cousins; and many friends. He grew up in Chicago, IL and rural Wisconsin, graduating from Pacelli Catholic High School in Stevens Point. He went on to study psychology and anthropology at University of Chicago, and received his master’s degree in Technology, Innovation, and Education at Harvard University. He worked as a data analyst for CDDER at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, UMass Medical School.

Andreas was an avid reader and tango dancer, and loved wordplay, the coziness of winter, and unique hats. He had an impish, irreverent sense of humor and delighted in lively debates and meandering conversations. His friendships were rich, long, and varied. He made pilgrimages to revisit his favorite foods, including cinnamon rolls from Nick’s in Sedona, AZ; Belts’ Soft Serve in Stevens Point; and Otto’s Pizza in Cambridge, MA.

Andreas and Rachel found immense joy in simple pleasures, from British television series to day trips to local landmarks and beaches with Samantha. Andreas was besotted with his daughter from the moment she was born, and they shared a love of nature walks and bedtime stories. He took enormous pride in her artwork and marveled at her observations. He also cherished his extended family and their exuberant reunions.

Andreas was a larger-than-life and deeply loyal presence for his friends, colleagues, fellow political thinkers, and family. They will hold close the memory of his endless enthusiasm, unflappable optimism, and caring nature.

A private celebration of his life will be held in the spring. Donations in his memory can be directed to the Trustees of Reservations to protect and preserve Massachusetts’ irreplaceable landscapes, including World’s End in Hingham. 

4 thoughts on “Andreas Agiorgitis Obituary”

  1. My deepest condolences to his family and friends,
    I feel so bad that someone so young and full of life has been taken away
    from those he lived for. So sorry……..

  2. I was blessed to meet Andreas last year when He, Rachel and Samantha came to a family gathering at my home. I could immediately see what a very loving little family they were. Andreas was genuinely interested in conversations he engaged in and had a kind gentle nature about him. I’m so very saddened that my cousins’ time with their loving husband/daddy has been taken way too soon.

  3. Condolences to family and friends. I knew him as Andy at Pacelli High School. He was a good friend and it sounds like he became an even better man. Take care buddy

  4. Was this the same Andy Ag who drove out to Utah from Chicago in the early 1990s? I was an acquaintance of his at U Chicago (lived in same dorm). I hadn’t kept in contact with him since I graduated but he sometimes pops into my head, and I decided to Google.

    I’m so sorry for your loss. He had a huge personality and was generous in his actions when we hung out. When he stopped by to see me in AZ in 1992 (I was visiting my parents), we chatted for a couple of hours at a coffee shop, he bought my snack (even though his beater just got a new battery) before he took off to meet a friend in Utah. I think that was the last time I saw him.


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