Deputy Fire Chief Powers commended on a job well done

Photo courtesy of Kate Richardsson

May 5, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

Recently retired William Powers began his career with the Hingham Fire Department as a firefighter in 1986, moving up through the ranks until his promotion to deputy fire chief of operations in 2018.

During his 35 years with HFD, Powers served in many capacities in addition to firefighter -- including lieutenant, captain, as one of the department's longest-serving shift commanders, fire investigator, and in the deputy chief role for the past three years.

Hingham Fire Chief Steve Murphy was on the line during Tuesday's Selectmen's meeting and shared his thought about Powers. "Bill is very well-known, whether in or outside the fire service," he said. "It seems as if everyone around town is related to Billy! He will definitely be missed, especially for  his unique ability to tell stories."

Selectmen Chair Mary Power noted Powers' institutional knowledge "of every nook and cranny of Hingham."

A proclamation presented to Powers virtually notes that members of HFD and the community as a whole "benefitted from your leadership, training, and mentorship of new generations of firefighters through the 'Powers University.'"

The proclamation also commends Powers for being "an integral member of the broader regional fire and emergency medical services community" by committing his time and expertise to many projects and committees to improve the emergency response profession.

During this time of unprecedented crisis, Powers demonstrated "extraordinary commitment and strength in guiding your team and continuing to provide critical services to members of our community throughout a global pandemic," the proclamation further states -- as read by Mary Power.

Powers was also praised for displaying the highest example of "character, integrity, and unselfish service" in his various roles with the HFD.

Selectman William Ramsey served on the Traffic Committee with Powers at one time and was impressed with his knowledge of the fire department and his commitment to the town.

"It's been my pleasure," Powers said.

The board wished Powers well as he begins the next chapter of his life in retirement.

In other business at the meeting, the board approved three-year employment agreements with Murphy and Police Chief David Jones. No details were provided.

"I want to let both chiefs know that I feel very blessed to be able to work with them," Town Administrator Tom Mayo said. "They always have the town's best interest in mind."

2 thoughts on “Deputy Fire Chief Powers commended on a job well done”

  1. Congratulation Bill, for a job so well done, will be missed by all your friends , co – workers and especially the town of Hingham.
    Maybe you will have more time to carve now.

  2. Congratulations Bill!! I will miss your ever present smile, and great stories!! You served our town with love…
    Enjoy your retirement!!


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