COVID update: Mask guidelines set for municipal buildings

August 11, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

"Unfortunately," Town Administrator Tom Mayo acknowledged to the Select Board Tuesday night, "we're back in the world where COVID updates are necessary again."

That's because there has been an uptick in the number of COVID cases in Hingham recently.  No information was provided as to whether those who were so diagnosed were vaccinated or unvaccinated.

"There were five reported cases in June, with no Delta variant, and 33 cases reported in July, of which five were the Delta variant," Mayo reported. "As of today (Aug. 10), 20 new COVID cases have been reported this month thus far. We don't know the Delta variant breakdown for those cases."

Vaccinations are available at the CVS pharmacies at the Hingham Shipyard and in downtown Hingham by appointment or by walking in, and the same for Walgreen's on Lincoln Street. Hingham Centre Pharmacy is also offering vaccinations at certain times. Call (781) 749-1277 for more information.

COVID tests are available at CVS Pharmacy at the Shipyard by appointment only, according to Mayo.

The town is following Massachusetts Department of Public Health guidance with regard to wearing face masks in Hingham's municipal facilities, including Town Hall. Related notices are posted at each building.

Fully-vaccinated individuals are advised to wear a mask or face covering when indoors (but not in their own home) if they or a member of their household have a weakened immune system, are at increased risk for severe disease because of their age or have an underlying medical condition, or a member of their household is an unvaccinated adult.

"All unvaccinated residents are advised to continue to wear masks in indoor settings and when they can’t socially distance," Mayo said.

Town officials are continuing to monitor "the evolving COVID situation," and the Health Department remains in contact with MDPH, according to Mayo.

In expectation of an in-person learning scenario for the new school year, he said that COVID testing will be provided as needed. "The CARES Act continues to provide resources to continue doing that. The town has $400,000 still available until the end of December from that [funding source]."

Select Board member Joseph Fisher asked Mayo if there are any members of the senior community he's aware of who might need assistance in obtaining a vaccination.

Mayo suggested anyone in that situation to contact either the Senior Center (781-741-1458) or the Select Board office (781-741-1400).  "We'll 100 percent find a way to help them get their vaccination," Fisher said.

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