Enjoying the journey, one measure at a time!

Chris Oddleifson, Rockland Trust CEO and SSC student

March 30, 2022 By Robert Cinnante, South Shore Conservatory

When spreading the word about South Shore Conservatory in the community, many adults tell me they love the idea of music lessons for their children, but are just too busy to take lessons themselves.  Some have yet  to discover the many benefits of studying music as an adult. To learn why they might want to give it a try, I turned to Rockland Trust CEO Chris Oddleifson, a long-time friend of South Shore Conservatory who has been taking flute lessons here for nearly two decades.

“Taking lessons allows me to separate myself from everything else that’s going on in my life, and have a sole focus on flute,” said Oddleifson. “This focus generates a peacefulness within.  Lessons have also taught me patience.  If you can’t be patient with yourself, you can’t be patient with others.”

Although he had taken piano lessons when he was younger, it was not until he moved to Massachusetts from North Carolina, and discovered South Shore Conservatory and flute faculty member Donald Zook, that Chris experienced the benefits of taking lessons.  And, why did he choose the flute?  Because he liked the way it sounded, and it was easy to carry around!

Chris, who performs as a member of The Rusty Skipper Band, appreciates the student/teacher bond that he has developed over time.  “As an adult, it’s important to be collaborative in terms of the material and the pace.” Chris explains. “Donald meets me where I am, and understands that sometimes I’m completely slammed at work and just not fluting.  He boosts my confidence.”

Admitting he’s not what he would call a “natural,” Chris talks about the delight he gets from breaking down a piece, measure by measure, until he gets it just right.  “This is the way to deal with life.  If you look at everything at once, it’s overwhelming.  But if you view life as a series of measures you have to focus on, it becomes a joy.”

Chris, who takes lessons every other week, is not studying to become a professional performer, but for his own satisfaction, calling his musical progress a journey.  He likes meeting and playing with other adult students at SSC. “It’s all about enjoying the journey!”

South Shore Conservatory has rolling admissions and welcomes new students at any time. All students get their first lesson free. Learn more at sscmusic.org or find South Shore Conservatory on Facebook or Instagram.

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