Town of Hingham Veterans Day Observance: Friday, November 11th 2022

John Giasullo, Hingham Fire Fighter

November 1, 2022 Submitted SCPO Keith Jermyn, USN (Ret.), Director of Veterans Services

The Town of Hingham Veterans' Department is pleased to announce the program for this year's Annual Veteran's Day Observance, formerly called Armistice Day.

Veterans' Day 2022 will begin with the CPL Lawrence St. Laurent, USMC Breakfast in the Hingham Town Hall's Central Meeting Room (2nd Floor), from (08:30 10:30hrs). This event is open to ALL Military, Veterans, and their families, sponsored by the Hingham Veterans' Council and catered by Hart Brothers Catering of Rockland, MA.

The main event will begin promptly at (11:00hrs.) in Sanborn Auditorium (2nd Floor) of Town Hall. The event will be led by Town Moderator Michael Puzo, with music performed by the Hingham High School Band and Chorus. The principal speaker will be Silver Star Recipient, Sergeant John Giasullo, U.S. Army - Global War on Terrorism Veteran.

There will be reserved seating for ALL Military and Veterans. Following the main event, we will parade the colors outside the Town Hall main entrance, and conduct a brief wreath laying ceremony at the Veterans’ monument weather permitting.

Please make every effort to attend and show your support for our Nation's Veterans!

During the stress of these uncertain times in our nation, one thing in the Town of Hingham is certain...

WE will always take time out to pause, reflect, and remember the many sacrifices made by our men and women who serve now and in the past, and especially for those who have laid down their lives to keep us all free.

Remembering them is our sacred commitment; keeping them in our hearts and minds every day in a fast-paced world is at times difficult, but WE must.

“...for it’s when WE hear, WE forget - when WE see, WE remember – when WE do, WE understand.”

SGT Giasullo

John Giasullo Bio:

John Giasullo’s military career began when he joined the Army in 2006, shortly after graduating from Billerica Memorial High School. After initial basic training at Ft. Knox, Kentucky John was sent to Fort Sam Houston for advance Individual training to become a combat medic. Upon completion of combat medic training in 2007, SGT Giasullo was assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky to a light reconnaissance company, as part of the 4th Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. His deployments include 2-combat tours in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

During his time in Afghanistan, SGT Giasullo served as a line medic for Charlie Company, 4 th Battalion, 506 th PIR. He conducted numerous combat operations throughout Eastern Afghanistan along the Pakistan border to disrupt and dismantle the Taliban and Haqqani terrorist networks.

On 7 July 2008, while SGT Giasullo was conducting combat operations in Eastern Afghanistan, an Afghan National Army HUMVEE struck an improvised explosive device which destroyed the vehicle and blew it off the road. After the initial blast, SGT Giasullo left the safety of his own vehicle, secured his aid-bag, and sprinted over 100 meters to where the destroyed vehicle lay. Exposing himself to enemy small arms fire multiple times and being completely separated from the rest of his platoon, SGT Giasullo immediately began rendering lifesaving aid to the wounded Afghans and returned fire on enemy positions. After the convoy established fighting positions, SGT Giasullo extricated the casualties from the destroyed vehicle and moved the 3 survivors back up onto the road to begin coordinating casualty evacuation. At this time a second improvised explosive device was detonated, which left SGT Giasullo and others wounded in the road. Despite his injuries, SGT Giasullo placed the needs of others above his own as he continued to treat the wounded and stayed with his men until the mission was complete. For his actions and valor that day SGT Giasullo was awarded the Silver Star and the Purple Heart.

SGT Giasullo had a very successful career in the Army for nearly 8 years. His awards and decorations include 4-Army Achievement Medals, 4-Army Commendation Medals, 2-Good Conduct Medals, the Silver Star for Valor, and the Purple Heart for wounds received in action. SGT Giasullo is a graduate of the Army Pathfinder School and Air Assault Schools; he was also the Distinguished Honor Graduate of the United States Marine Corps Mountain Warfare School. SGT Giasullo went on to be selected as the 101 st Airborne Divisions NCO of the year, after an extremely rigorous and competitive selection process. For his final challenge, SGT Giasullo successfully completed the Army M6 (Mike-6) nursing program.

After retiring from Active Duty, SGT Giasullo began working on his lifelong dream of becoming a firefighter. He began his career with the Ludlow, MA Fire Department as a firefighter paramedic. He attended the Massachusetts Fire Academy and was selected as the distinguished honor graduate. SGT Giasullo transferred to the Hingham, MA Fire Department where he is presently assigned to station 3. SGT Giasullo also serves as the department mechanic and is a member of the Plymouth County Technical Rescue Team. SGT Giasullo has an associate degree in Fire Safety and Technology from Springfield technical community college and a bachelor’s degree in Fire Science from Anna Maria College.

SGT Giasullo is a member of the Hingham Fire Department. SGT John Giasullo Jr. is a resident of Pembroke, Massachusetts where he lives with his wife Sarah, and their 3 children: Riley (12), Danny (4) and Tommy (2).

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