April 27, 2023 By Hingham municipal Lighting Plant
For the first time, the Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant (HMLP) is partnering with GreatBlue Research to conduct a massive customer survey that requests feedback on its services and programs. Every household in Hingham that receives an electric bill is encouraged to take the 2023 Residential Customer Satisfaction Survey and voice their opinions on various topics, including rates, quality of service, renewable energy investments, energy efficiency programs, and rebates.
HMLP’s mission is to provide reliable electric services to the Town of Hingham while keeping rates reasonable, service quality high, and operations environmentally sustainable, including a commitment to 100% carbon-free energy. Holding to its mission requires understanding the ratepayers’ needs and priorities. HMLP anticipates releasing surveys in the future so it may continue to understand the changing needs of its ratepayers.
The survey asks customers various questions, such as how they would rate characteristics like HMLP’s honesty and integrity, customer interactions, and rates. Customers have the opportunity to tell HMLP what they value most in a municipal utility and how satisfied they are with the current level of service that HMLP offers. The survey also inquires about how HMLP can best communicate with its customers. HMLP wants to ensure it gets information out effectively, especially during power outages and other emergencies.
HMLP and its Light Board are completing a rate study, which evaluates costs and the design of rates moving forward. The survey allows customers to voice their priorities and how they would prefer to see ratepayer funds invested. Additional questions touch on HMLP’s large upcoming capital project to build a new transmission and substation- the Hingham Electrical Infrastructure Reliability Project (HEIRP)- as well as renewable energy investments, funding for green initiatives, efficiency, and electrification rebates, bill services such as autopay, time-of-use rates, and demand response programs. Customers do not need a prior understanding of these topics to take the survey.
The survey will be open from May 1st to May 29th. It is open to Hingham residents only and has one submission per household.
To complete the digital survey, please visit
https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/7283305/Hingham-Municipal-Lighting-Plant-Survey-2023. Any questions can be directed to HMLP by calling 781-749-0134 or emailing customerservice@hmlp.com.