Opinion: Why I’m excited for a budget override, and why you should be too!

April 28, 2023 By Henry Buckley

I believe that the debates about the budget override neglect to mention the DPW when arguing in support of the budget override passage. As one of the most important services to the Town, the DPW’s funding must not be overlooked when making your final ballot votes.

On April 24, earlier this week, I was very pleased to hear that the budget override was passed, and I want to tell you why – from the perspective of a member of the Hingham Beautification Commission.

My name is Henry Buckley, and I am honored to work with seven other wonderful individuals, and many dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to keep Hingham beautiful. Our important mission is greatly augmented by the work of the DPW; they have been instrumental in helping maintain Hingham’s beauty, in many ways, but specifically for us. The budget override would sustain DPW’s funding. Among many things that the DPW does behind the scenes, they help keep our town beautiful. I want all of you to remember the importance of Hingham’s beauty on the tourism in the South Shore area.

For centuries, Hinghamites took pride in the beauty of this area. As we continue to do so, it is important to recognize the support our commission offers to maintain beauty. The DPW works continuously to provide superior service to all Hingham residents. At the ballot, I urge you to think of Hingham’s beauty and cleanliness when you cast your vote. The budget override helps us keep Hingham home to the “prettiest main street in the United States”. Thank you.

Henry R. Buckley
Member of the Hingham Beautification Commission
Hingham High School student

2 thoughts on “Opinion: Why I’m excited for a budget override, and why you should be too!”

  1. Henry,

    So glad you are happy but I am not overly ecstatic about a 12% tax hike on a fixed income. It’s not surprising to see the number of long-owned homes coming on the market. Very sad.

    • Hi Colin,

      Yes, you are right, the tax hike was considerably large. I just said goodbye to a house that had been in my family for three generations. I have fond memories there, so I can sympathize with your feeling of sadness towards the resident turnover. I understand your reasoning if you don’t have children in the school system, or you don’t use the senior center or the police/fire department’s services. It can all seem very frustrating. Truth be told, it’s not fair to people like you. However, I urge you to think of the families that will remain in Hingham for years to come because of its beauty, seaside appeal, and its school system. Thanks to people like you, our town is a phenomenal place to grow-up, live and retire. If it brings any comfort whatsoever, I want to thank you for your civic engagement and for your continuance to finance our children, residents, and retirees. Thanks for reaching out!



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