Womanade of the South Shore Getting Kids Involved with Charitable Giving

Cam and Chase Kavoogian, Ben and Griff Glennon
Cam and Chase Kavoogian, Ben and Griff Glennon

With lemons in their logo and an alliterative campaign slogan, Womanade of the South Shore had a hunch that their Spring fundraising campaign “Lemonade for Womanade” had some legs to it. South Shore families have responded enthusiastically by purchasing lemonade stand kits and committing to donate the stand proceeds back to Womanade.

Lemonade for Womanade is a month long initiative to raise funds for Womanade, a charitable organization that has been quietly helping South Shore neighbors in need since 2004. Womanade provides short-term monetary assistance to neighbors in need by coordinating with local social service agencies such as the Hingham Food Pantry, Elder Services and local school nurses and adjustment counselors. As a volunteer-run, charitable organization, Womanade distributes 100% of donated funds.

With suggested donation of $20, interested donors receive a Lemonade Stand Kit which includes lemonade mix, cups, blank poster board, Womanade stickers and an envelope. Interested donors just need to provide a table, pitcher, water and a smile. Fundraisers are encouraged to host their lemonade stand on any nice day in June or July and promote their efforts by posting and tagging pictures #lemonade4womanade #womanade #kidsgiveback on social media sites Facebook and Instagram.

With donated funds, Womanade can continue to support local families and individuals in need. For more information on Womanade, to purchase your Lemonade Kit or to make a donation please go to www.womanadesouthshore.com. Kits will be available starting June 3 up until June 27th.


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