Hingham Resident Summits Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Uhuru Peak

Jason Ramsden

October 24, 2023 Submitted by Jason Ramsden

Impact One Media LLC today announced its founder, Jason “Jay” Ramsden completed a 5 day trek on Mon., Oct. 1, 2023 to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Uhuru Peak. This milestone for Jay delivers on his company’s mission to be an advocate for others that life does not end in our 40’s and 50’s particularly when we learn to manage our thoughts, emotions, and mindset around what is possible in our lives.

“My mission in life is to be an example of what is possible once the kids leave the nest. I believe it is important for us to let go and move on as our role of parent changes so we can start living life to the fullest once we raise our kids,” says Jay Ramsden, The Empty Nest Coach.

He continued, “My journey to the top of Kilimanjaro was never about the mountain. I’m not an avid hiker, in fact Kilimanjaro was the first mountain hike I’ve ever attempted. Taking on this challenge was to show people that one’s mindset is the most important tool we have in accomplishing our goals. When you believe in yourself anything in life is possible.”

To learn more about Jay’s climb visit: https://www.jasonramsden.com/kilimanjaro

About Impact One Media LLC: Our company is focused on impacting the lives of others through coaching using social media and our work one on one with individual clients. We believe impact one, or impact one million there is no difference – impact is impact

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