Hingham Ski Finishes Out Their Dominating Season

Sophomore Libby Rogers has been tearing up the slopes this season as the league’s top skier.

February 14, 2024 – Story by Ava DiCecca, photos by Joshua Ross

The ski team had their last race this past Saturday and much like the rest of their season, they found great success. The girls found themselves in first place on the season and the boys fought their way into third, making this an overall outstanding year for Hingham ski and they were happy to have finished their last race equally as impressive as the rest of their season. 

The team had many incredible performances they should be proud of from their last race. Sophomore Libby Rogers has been outstanding this season placing first not only in their last race, but in the league. We should continue to expect great things from her as she progresses over the next few years and continues to set a great example for her teammates, this time as an upperclassman. Freshman Isabel DuBose also had an incredible showing and placed fifth overall, instilling even more hope in dominating seasons for years to come. On the girls side, junior Hadley Bello and senior Lily Murray placed 11th and 12th respectively rounding off their great performance and on the boys side, freshman John Doyle placed 10th earning him the opportunity to move forward as well. 

Senior captain Ned Coyne leads the boys team to a respectable third place finish in the league this season.

Head Coach Elizabeth Vialle and senior captain Ned Coyne both talked about what a fun and special team they had this year and how that led to their success this season. Vialle stated that “both the boys and girls teams have put everything on the course” and despite very tough competition in the league this year, they have “really pushed themselves to lead that or exceed it.” Overall, she was incredibly excited with how the season played out both in the accomplishments that came from it and the great environment they were able to foster. Coyne agreed and stated that “we always had a light and inclusive attitude along with a competitive one, trying to get as many Hingham representatives to states as possible.” He spoke on how his goal as a captain was to help and encourage as many of his teammates as possible and he was very happy to see the wide range of skiers from all different grades that stepped up and performed during this last meet. 

Coach Vialle complimented Coyne on his great success as a captain this year and talked about how beneficial he was to the team, stating that “he has the ability to see the course in his head and break it down for all the other racers.” She spoke on how crucial all her captains were to the success both teams had this year and complimented not only their intended leadership, but their ability to simply lead by example, encouraging the other racers. Above all, she talked about what a special team this was, separating themselves with their unmatched “dedication to themselves and to the league.”

Senior captain Kathleen Blanchard races towards the finish line during a race on February 4, 2024.

Rogers is a prime example of this dedication as she has been unstoppable this year. She commented that she came into this season with both the individual and team goal of winning the league and having done both, she is proof of the drive this team has to achieve their goals. She also spoke to the environment that her coach and captains worked to foster simply stating, “we have more fun than any other team.” It is in part due to this comfortable and fun-loving environment that so many racers were able to thrive. 

This season was not only an incredible one for Hingham Ski, but one that gives much hope for next season as many of the very competitive racers still have years ahead of them to improve and bring the program with it. They have learned from this year’s captains how to lead and lead by example opening the program up to even more improvement in the future. 


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