The Hingham 4th of July Parade Committee announces the Winner of the 2024 Parade Button Competition.


June 24, 2024 By The Hingham 4th of July Parade Committee

The Hingham 4th  of July Parade Committee today announced the winner of the 2024 Parade Button Competition. The Button Competition is held each year to select the button design that best represents the theme of the upcoming Parade. The competition is open to all Grade 5 students in Hingham Elementary schools and is generously supported by the Hingham Art teachers.

This year’s Parade theme is “We  Our Parade!” and students undertook to interpret that theme in light of their experience of living in Hingham and their personal experience of past parades. A total of 122 entries were received from St Paul’s, Foster, East, Plymouth River and South schools, and the Committee would like to thank the respective Art teachers, Ms. Bruno (SPS), Ms. McKeon (Foster), Ms. McNamee (East), Ms. Cataldo (PRS), and Ms. Rollins (South) for their support of both the competition and their pupils’ efforts.

As always, the quality of the submissions challenged the Committee in selecting a winner but, in the end, the winner was chosen, Gabriella Nardello of Saint Paul’s School.  The winning button featured an interpretation of Lower Main Street with some of its iconic stores, and with a foreground of the tricolor center line, all overflown by the Stars and Stripes. As the winner of the 2024 Button Competition, Gabriella will receive a gift capturing her winning artwork but most importantly, her button will generate financial donations to support the continuation of the Hingham 4th of July Parade tradition and will become part of the archive of the Parade. On July 4th , as button design winner, Gabriella, will ride as a VIP at the head of the Parade!

Hingham 4th of July Button

Honorable mention is awarded to the four runners-up, each the winner at their respective school: Liv Lennon, (Foster), Charley Leatherbee (East), Carla Martin- Sotos, (PRS), June Sullivan (South), all producing their own excellent representation of the Parade theme. Each will receive a gift voucher from Nona’s Homemade Ice Cream.

The Hingham 4th  of July Parade Committee is charged with carrying on a proud Town tradition first enacted in 1842. The all-volunteer committee, led by Jim Murphy, is responsible for organizing, funding, and marshalling the annual Parade.

For news of Parade Committee activities, follow the committee on Hingham 4th of July Parade Facebook page and hingham4thparade on Instagram.

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