Farewell to Uncle Sam! ‘The Fourth of July is the best time of year in Hingham’

Photo by Joshua Ross

June 24, 2024 By Carol Britton Meyer

This will be lifelong Hingham resident George Ford’s 17th — and final — year marching as Uncle Sam along the Fourth of July parade route — lined with thousands of spectators.

“It’s time to move on, but I will miss immensely participating as Uncle Sam and will always watch the parade!” Ford told the Hingham Anchor. “I think I have outlasted all the previous Uncle Sams [with respect to years in the role] with the exception of Frannie Wright, who [led the parade] as Uncle Sam for 30 years — from 1948 to 1978.”

Starting next year, Fourth of July Parade Committee member Paul Callahan will assume the role of Uncle Sam.

While watching the Hingham parade as a young boy, Ford aspired to one day become “Uncle Sam.”

After stepping down as Advisory Committee Chair in 1972, the then-Selectmen asked him what he wanted to do for the town next.

“I said at that time that I would like to be the next Uncle Sam, but I was told I’d have to wait until I had grandchildren and gray hair!” Ford recalled.

He went on to serve as town counsel for three decades and then lobbied again to become the next Uncle Sam after A. Alden Carpenter — who marched as  Uncle Sam in the parade for 13 years — retired in 2007.  Ford became the next Uncle Sam in the following year’s parade.

One summer, Carpenter’s twin brother stood in as Uncle Sam when he was ill, Ford recalled —  and no one seemed to notice the difference!

‘The Fourth of July is the best time of year in Hingham’
His favorite part of the parade is “the enthusiasm of the crowd, particularly youngsters with whom I shake hands,” Ford said.

“The Fourth of July is the best time of year in Hingham.”

He will especially miss greeting his family at the bottom of Pear Tree Hill every year and being greeted at the Fruit Center and other local businesses as “Uncle Sam” rather than “George Ford.”

Callahan is literally a perfect fit, Ford said, since his height and weight are just right for the size of the costume — a prerequisite for the “job.”

“Paul already has a beard, so he won’t have to glue one on as I have over the years!” Ford said with a laugh.

In the meantime, he is looking forward to leading this year’s parade and hoping for “a sunny day as a nice farewell.”

Callahan told the Hingham Anchor that it was Ford who encouraged him to assume the role of Uncle Sam starting next year.

“As residents of Garrison Road, my family would go to the end of our street to watch the parade. It’s something we did every year,” he recalled. “To be part of the parade in this role is a unique experience.”

Callahan and Ford met met years ago when they were both participating in the Fourth of July road race. Now they often take walks together in the early morning before starting their day.

Next July 4th, Ford anticipates watching Callahan in his new role “and critiquing his performance,” he quipped.

1 thought on “Farewell to Uncle Sam! ‘The Fourth of July is the best time of year in Hingham’”

  1. Jean and I wish the best for George Ford as he passes the torch of the Leader of the Parade. Best of luck to you sir…your enthusiasm and well respected representation of all things Hingham and Uncle Sam will remain in town for many years. Best regards, Bob Delorey, West Barnstable


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