Elementary Spanish teacher positions restored in current school budget proposal; bus fee considered - Hingham Anchor

Elementary Spanish teacher positions restored in current school budget proposal; bus fee considered

January 28, 2025 By Carol Britton Meyer

During the third of eight presentations on the $70.4 million fiscal 2026 preliminary school operating budget proposal to the school committee Monday night, Supt. of Schools Katie Roberts shared the good news that the elementary Spanish teacher positions earlier earmarked to be cut have been restored, along with the elementary writing specialist.

A full-time math position at the high school earlier slated to be cut has also been restored in the current budget proposal.

Also last night, the committee supported the institution of a bus fee for secondary students and increased high school parking fees and will vote on a proposed increase in student athletic fees at an upcoming meeting.

Committee member Jen Benham served as chair in Nes Correnti’s absence.

Roberts expressed appreciation for community input about the proposed reduction of elementary Spanish teachers, which factored into the decision to restore those positions.

If approved in the final fiscal 2026 school budget proposal, athletic fees would increase from $425 to $450 for the first sport (and from $600 for hockey to $750 for hockey and football) and from no fee to $200 for the second and third sports, with a family cap that will be discussed at a future school committee meeting.

The expected increased revenue — based on current participation levels — would be about $30,000 a year, which would offset a portion of the contractual increases for coaches, ice time, and other fees.

Bus fee proposed
The committee also supported the implementation of a $360 per student transportation (bus) fee — with a $625 family cap — for secondary students in grades 7-12 — roughly $2 a day for 180 days. Bus transportion would be at no charge for students who are eligible for the free and reduced lunch program. The opening of a revolving account would track the fees.

School committee member Matt Cosman noted that “it’s a big step going from zero to $360.”

Benham recalled that the committee “has been talking for three years about institution of bus fees. We’ve held off as long as possible, but this could come as a shock to some families,” she said.

There was also a proposal to charge K-6 students who live less than two miles from the schools for bus transportation, but due to a number of questions and concerns, the committee did not vote on that portion. The projected revenue increase from the proposed transportation fees would be in the $240,000 range.

The committee also supported increasing high school parking fees from $80 for the close lot to $225 a year and $20 to park in the far lot from $20 to $125, at a projected revenue increase of $41,065. Currently 282 students park in the far lot and 79 in the close lot.
Currently, no changes are proposed for middle and high school activity fees and full-day kindergarten. The committee earlier supported in increase in Kids in Action tuition fees.

Roberts noted that some of the fees proposed for the Hingham school budget are also being considered by other school districts in the area “given tight budget times.”

She also explained that consideration of instituting/increasing fees isn’t being “taken lightly,” but is one way to help restore some other positions that are proposed to be cut in the current budget proposal.

The following school budget-related meetings are scheduled:

  • January 28, 7 p.m., school committee will attend advisory committee meeting
  • Jan. 29, 7 p.m., capital outlay meeting;
  • Feb. 4, 6:30 p.m., joint school committee, select board, and advisory committee meeting to consider the most up-to-date school budget presentation;
  • Feb. 10, 6:30 p.m. public school committee hearing, votes on budget;
  • Feb. 13, 6:30 p.m., budget presentation to advisory committee;
  • Feb. 25, 7 p.m. joint session with school committee, select board, advisory committee, and capital outlay to hear capital recommendations.

Check the town website calendar for meeting details.

For details about the initial preliminary budget presentation, go to https://www.hinghamanchor.com/70-4-million-fiscal-2026-school-budget-presented-including-potential-cuts/.

For Fiscal 2026 budget details and presentations go to https://www.hinghamschools.org/page/budget-documents/.

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