Student Musicians Invited to Free Festival Audition Workshop at South Shore Conservatory


Student musicians in grades 7 through 12 who are auditioning for Southeast District ensembles or SEMSBA are invited to attend a free Festival Audition Workshop on Sunday, October 27, from 12 noon to 3:00 pm at South Shore Conservatory, One Conservatory Drive in Hingham.

The workshop is designed to prepare students technically and mentally for their audition.  Students participate in mock auditions and receive valuable feedback, tips and preparation ideas from SSC faculty members and local music educators.  The day also includes students performing for one another, a group discussion where students may share experiences and discover new ways of preparing so that they can walk into the audition room with confidence.

Students will have ample time to enjoy refreshments, while meeting and chatting with students preparing auditions as well. This event is free to both Conservatory and non-Conservatory students by reservation only. Feel free to contact Ed Sorrentino at: with any questions.  To reserve a spot call 781-749-7565, ext. 10 before October 24.

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