A Letter of Thanks from the Hingham Food Pantry

Photo courtesy of Susan Kiernan, Executive Director of the Hingham Food Pantry

January 4, 2021, Submitted by Susan Kiernan, Executive Director of the Hingham Food Pantry

It takes a village, and what a village Hingham is! Your generosity and commitment to the Hingham Food Pantry and the families we serve has, since our founding in 1990, been remarkable. Over this challenging year of 2020, your support has been nothing short of astounding. Your selfless donations of food, time and money have allowed HFP to provide uninterrupted service to our local families at a time that they needed it most. The members of Second Parish Church have been so true to their covenant to be of service to their neighbors and continue to open their property and hearts to HFP as we provide that service.

You have been ingenious in creating safe ways to support HFP: traditional food drives, neighborhood porch collections, Instacart donations, gift cards, restaurant cards, and monetary donations from photo shoots, catering, yoga and exercise classes, coin drives, checks, cash, and the list goes on.

Thanks to your help HFP provided holiday dinners for just over 150 local families in both November and December. Along with those meals, neighbors received meat, dairy, produce, baked, canned and boxed foods to feed their families for an additional five days. That is a total of 5,400 meals!

In so many ways this has been a challenging year for all, HFP included, but it has been a good year too. In November and December alone you donated a record 16,098 pounds of food, in addition to money, to HFP. So many of the records set in 2020 have been disheartening but this one is full of good news!

Thank you Hingham for the trust you place in the Hingham Food Pantry and your belief that as neighbors we must care for one another. On behalf of all of the grateful families we serve, thank you for your continued and amazing support.

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