Afternoon with the Author: Alison Jean Lester presents Absolutely Delicious: A Chronicle of Extraordinary Dying

Photo courtesy of Alison Jean Lester

November 30, 2020, Submitted by the Hingham Public Library

Alison Jean Lester, the daughter of longtime Hingham resident Valerie Lester has written a book about her Mother's passing, which will be discussed on Saturday, December 5 at 3:00 PM - Online via Zoom.

After a life marbled with exploration, academia, and domesticity, the writer Valerie Lester retired to a residential hospice to enjoy the final act of her life. She knew just where she wanted to be, and clearly communicated this to her family and friends. She died nine weeks later, having engaged in dying with equanimity, curiosity, and even amusement.

In Absolutely Delicious, Alison Jean Lester describes her mother’s cooperation with her disease and her decision to forego life prolonging treatments. The story is sensitively told, inviting us to be more open about our own mortality, and is interspersed with poetry by Valerie and Alison and moving illustrations by close friend Mary Ann Frye.

This program will be held via Zoom. To join us, please register online:

Alison Jean Lester grew up in St. Croix, London and Massachusetts. After spending years in Japan and Singapore, she currently lives in Worcestershire, England. She has excelled in multiple fields, and has written novels, poetry, short stories, plays, and books on communication.

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