December 4, 2024 By The Town of Hingham
As part of its announced public outreach as it completes an Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP), the Town of Hingham will host another public meeting on the Town’s economic growth Monday December 9th at 7:00PM.
Hingham residents are invited to attend, either in person or online, an Economic Development conversation aimed at further developing post-COVID business growth opportunities in the Hingham Shipyard/Route 3A area, Hingham Square, and South Hingham.
During this meeting town staff and Camoin Associates, the project consulting team, will share highlights from research and seek input on potential opportunities. Residents attending both in-person and online will be able to contribute using an easy-to-use survey tool.
The meeting will be at Town Hall’s Central/North South Meeting room located at 210 Central Street in Hingham. People can also actively participate via Zoom with the following information:
ID: 846 2667 0005
Passcode: 472082
For more EDSP background, visit the project web page.