Annual Town Meeting 2024: New Date and Proposed Warrant Articles Available Online

February 5, 2024 By Carol Britton Meyer

The 2024 Annual Town Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 24, at 7 p.m. at Hingham High School.  "The Select Board voted to shift the date of Town Meeting to acknowledge the beginning of Passover," Select Board Chair Liz Klein said.
The proposed warrant articles are posted on the Town Meeting website at The board is in the process of reviewing the proposed warrant articles and making recommendations at its meetings over the next several weeks.
The board will discuss the following articles at its Wednesday, Feb. 7, meeting at 6:15 p.m.:

·         Article I:  Building Department Revolving Fund
·         Article N:  Municipal Property Leases for Solar Projects
·         Article Y:  Cell Tower Lease at DPW Property
·         Article AA:  Grant of Easements for New Elementary School
·         Article BB:  Naming of New Elementary School

The above list is subject to change before the final agenda is posted 48 hours in advance of the meeting.  Visit the Agenda Center each week to see the list of articles the Board will review at,&startDate=&endDate=&dateRange=&dateSelector=.

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