Awards Night at Town Hall!

(above photo left to right), State Rep. Joan Meschino, Selectmen Chairman Paul Healey, and State Senator Patrick O'Connor recognizing Healey's long service to the town. (Courtesy photo)
By Carol Britton Meyer, April 17, 2019

It started out as a regular Selectmen's meeting but turned into an awards night of sorts.

First the board recognized the efforts of the Water Company Acquisition Study Committee and presented each member with a framed proclamation in appreciation of their "exceptional work" and "skill, foresight, and patience" throughout the seven-year process.

(above photo left to right) Ed Siegfried, Bob Higgins, Jonathan Asher, Selectmen Karen Johnson and Mary Power, Joshua Krumholz, and Selectmen Chairman Paul Healey.

Ed Siegfried, Jonathan Asher, Joshua Krumholz, and Bob Higgins were present to accept their citations. Member Joseph Bierwirth was unable to attend.

Higgins in turn thanked Healey for his nearly four decades of service to the town, starting when he was hired as a Hingham Police Officer to his present-day service as a selectmen. Healey is not running for re-election.

"You've provided leadership with integrity and fairness, always with the best interests of Hingham in your heart," Higgins said.

Town Hall staff threw Selectmen Chairman Paul Healey a party to say goodbye. Healey is not running for reelection. Second photo, Town Administrator Tom Mayo, Sally Sinclair of the Selectmen's office, Selectmen Chairman Paul Healey, Sharon Perfetti of the Selectmen's office, and Assistant Town Administrator Michelle Monsegur. (Courtesy photos)

Healey attended a farewell party thrown by Town Hall staff before the meeting and was honored again by State Rep. Joan Meschino and State Sen. Patrick O'Connor who were present to provide a legislative update to the Selectmen on potential state funding specific to Hingham and took the oppotunity to recognize Healey at the same time.



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