Boaters look forward to new season

Photo by Josh Ross Photography.
Photo by Josh Ross Photography.

April 8, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

A bright spot in these changing times is that boaters are already gearing up for the new season.

According to Harbormaster Ken Corson, the Port of Boston  waterways -- which include Hingham Harbor -- are open, and marinas are expected to be ready for business by May.

"There are no restrictions," he said. "Many people who are at home [related to CODIV-19] are getting their boats ready and are planning to launch them. They are anxious to get them into the water, with social distancing in place."

The new mooring field design proposed by Corson is intended to accommodate the boats currently in the inner harbor and and to add a couple of boats from the waiting list.

"This plan best suits our Inner Harbor Mooring Basin," Corson told the Selectmen last night.

The proposed mooring plan takes into consideration the proposed state-funded reconstructed boat ramp project  and the proposed Hingham Maritime Center floats.

Corson said the Harbor Development Committee has reviewed the proposal and that there has been opportunity for public input. The Selectmen will discuss the proposal again at their next meeting.

Bare Cove Marina has already started installing the moorings in their new positions in anticipation of the upcoming boating season.

"This is a conceptual plan," Corson said. "Should any conflicts arise, we could make slight variations to the plan."

He said returning boaters will be assigned to moorings in a similar location as they have had in the past.

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