Bucket Town And The South Shore Country Club

Tuesday night bowlers

April 19, 2022 Submitted by Peter Smith

The first in a series of articles highlighting the history of the famous Hingham Bucket our Town Bucket and the South Shore Country Club....

The First Annual Lord Pomroy Bucket Trophy was recently awarded to Team Reasonable Doubters at the SSCC bowling lanes. They were Champions of the popular Tuesday Night Bowling League started by Colin Pomroy. Team members included; Colin Pomroy(C), Mark Carroll, Frank O’Brien, Mike Hannon, Brian McGeoghegan, Geoff McCullough and Kevin O’Rourke. Over 50 participants comprised of 9 teams congregated each Tuesday night during the winter months to enjoy competitive bowling amongst friends followed by more good times at the Greenside Grill.

From left …Kevin O’Rourke, Peter Hersey, Colin Pomroy, Mark Carroll, Mike Hannon, Frank O’Brien

Upon completion of the bowling season and at the Championship Ceremony, Peter Hersey, owner of the Reuben Hersey Toy & Box Shop, presented the winning Team, on behalf of the entire League with an original 1850’s Hingham Bucket made at the C&A Wilder Factory in South Hingham, as their trophy in honor of the SSCC’s 100th Anniversary Celebration. Everyone was gratified for the generous gift of history that will be displayed at the SSCC and live on as a meaningful piece of history to reflect upon. The Hingham Bucket will be awarded year over year to the future Tuesday Night League Bowling Champs!

Peter Hersey and Al Kearney


Tuesday night crew

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