Canadian Wildfires Send Smoke to New England

May 30, 2023 By Michael Page

The sky over the South Shore will appear “hazy” for a time on Tuesday, thanks to wildfire smoke flowing in from Canada.

While wildfire smoke has streamed into the New England sky several times in the past few weeks, most of that has originated from fires in Western Canada. It’s been fairly high in the atmosphere.

Tuesday’s smoke will be different–much closer to the surface–because it’s actually originating in Nova Scotia.

There, crews are battling “incredibly serious” wildfires, according to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

The smoke from the Nova Scotia fires has been flowing straight over the Atlantic Ocean.

For the last roughly 24 hours, the wind on the South Shore has been out of the east–blowing that smoke straight back towards the coast.

The smoke will be so close to the surface that you may actually be able to smell it for a time around midday.

While air quality may briefly be reduced during this time, it will not be dangerous for the vast majority of us.

The most dense smoke plume should drift farther inland by day’s end, with continued onshore winds

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