Candidate Profile: Carol Falvey for Town Clerk - Hingham Anchor

Candidate Profile: Carol Falvey for Town Clerk

Carol Falvey (Photo by Maryellen Jones Photography)

My name is Carol Falvey and I am running for Hingham Town Clerk in the May 22 Town Election.

The Town Clerk’s role in the Hingham community cannot be understated. She registers voters, keeps vital town records, administers town meeting, and runs all elections that power our democracy - the true heart of local government. Understanding how town government and the electoral process work is so important in these rapidly changing times.

I believe my legal training, municipal and philanthropic experience, and background of service here in Hingham qualify me for this role.  I was raised here in Town and, inspired by the examples set by my parents Bob and Charlotte Falvey, have served it in various capacities over the years.

As Town Clerk, I promise to run our elections in a trusted and professional manner, to engage and involve people in the democratic process, and to continue to operate the Town Clerk’s office with skill, competence and respect for the public.

I humbly ask for your vote on May 22 to be the next Hingham Town Clerk.

To support the campaign, please join us on Wednesday Walks and at stand outs, make a donation, or host a lawn sign. Head to our website to sign up and for more information. You can also check out the campaign on Facebook (Carol Falvey for Hingham Town Clerk) and Instagram (@votecarolfalvey), or email me directly at

Check out this Op-Ed in the Hingham Anchor!

Opinion: Carol Falvey, Best Candidate for Town Clerk!

The Falvey Van Dine Family

A stand out in Downtown Hingham for Carol Falvey for Town Clerk

Christine Smith & Carol Falvey

Carol Falvey's Birthday Zoom!

This page is sponsored by the Committee to Elect Carol Falvey. 

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