Message for Hingham residents: “Stay home as much as possible”

April 8, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer Now that warmer weather has arrived, Selectman Mary Power is asking residents to adhere to state social distancing guidelines, although it may be tempting to do otherwise. “The more quickly we do that, the more quickly we will be able to resume some of the activities we can’t …

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Boaters look forward to new season

Photo by Josh Ross Photography. April 8, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer A bright spot in these changing times is that boaters are already gearing up for the new season. According to Harbormaster Ken Corson, the Port of Boston  waterways — which include Hingham Harbor — are open, and marinas are expected to be ready …

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Foster School progress report

April 8, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer Foster School parents, administrators, and teachers are keeping their fingers crossed. The Selectmen signed a School Building Committee letter and a compliance form last night indicating that public meetings have been held, and feasibility study money is available through the town budget, as part of the process leading …

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Hingham Food Project: Ensuring that our residents don’t go hungry

April 6, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer (all photos courtesy of Dan Power) At a time when many Hingham families are struggling with unemployment and trying to decide whether to buy groceries or to pay an overdue bill, the Hingham Food Project is helping to ensure that no one in town goes hungry during the …

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A Message of Appreciation From Supt. Austin

Submitted from Supt. Paul Austin April 2, 2020 I would like to give a shout-out to all Hingham Public Schools administrators, teachers, and staff for the amazing work they are doing. Many of our staff have children at home and are doing an incredible job of juggling life at home while connecting with students and …

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Further support for local businesses

April 1, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer Selectman Joe Fisher assures residents that the board is doing what they can to assist residents and businesses during the coronavirus crisis. “We remain ever-vigilant to making everyone’s burden just a little bit easier [to bear],” he said. Selectman Mary Power encourages residents to visit the Hingham Downtown …

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Update: Selectmen postpone Town Meeting and town election until June

April 1, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer Due to Gov. Charlie Baker’s recent extension of Massachusetts’ stay-at-home advisory to May 4 and the accompanying  uncertainty surrounding the coronavirus threat, the Hingham Selectmen decided last night during a teleconference to postpone the April 27 Town Meeting until June 22 and the May 2 Town Election until …

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Hingham business, senior living community report coronavirus cases

March 30, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer Whole Foods Hingham and Linden Ponds Senior Living Community reported coronavirus cases recently. A Whole Foods Market statement, provided to the Hingham Anchor by another local news source, reports that a team member “has a presumptive case of COVID-19 and is in quarantine.” In response to that situation …

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Town Meeting and Town Election News

March 28, 2020 (submitted by Hingham Town Clerk) As the state of emergency announced by Governor Baker remains in effect, it is clear that we will not be able to begin Town Meeting on Monday, April 27, or to hold the Town Election on Saturday, May 2. Consequently, we are looking at Monday, June 22, 2020, …

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