Supt. Austin provides words of praise and encouragement during this ‘unprecedented time in our history’

March 20, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer​ Following today’s administrative leadership team meeting, Supt. of Schools Paul Austin expressed appreciation for all the Hingham school administrators and staff who are “devoting long hours to managing the myriad of logistics in relation to the delivery of academic engagement activities” to 4,300 Hingham Public Schools students.​ He …

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Social Distancing Saves Lives – A Letter from Hingham Town Leaders

March 20, 2020 (a letter from the Town of Hingham Leadership Team as posted on the Town of Hingham website) Dear Hingham citizens, During Hingham’s nearly 400 years of existence, this Town has always cared for our neighbors and friends.  We look out for each other.  Our social bonds and cultural awareness set us apart. …

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Hingham Rec Fields and Playgrounds are CLOSED

March 20, 2020 Courtesy of the Hingham Rec The Hingham Recreation Department has cancelled all programs and events until April 7th. This includes our Childcare, fitness classes, East Explorer and our Bunny Breakfast and Egg Hunt. Additionally, you may have seen “No Trespassing” signs at Hingham Fields and playgrounds. To help prevent the spread of …

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Dr. Kirk Shilts is a Candidate for the Office of Hingham Selectman

I am running for the open position on the Hingham select board to help steward the shared aspirations my fellow residents have for our town. I was born in Hingham and aside from college, spent my entire life on the South Shore.  I’m married with two interesting children.  Whoopie pies is my favorite food. I’m …

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Clandestine Kitchen donates to Hingham Food Pantry during COVID-19

March 17, 2020 Clandestine Kitchen, LLC (CK), offering local home and corporate meal delivery, announced yesterday that, though meal delivery services are permitted in Massachusetts at this time, they are suspending operations until further communication in the best interest of staff, clients and the community. Immediately following this announcement, CK contacted the local Hingham Food …

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A Message from Tom Mayo, Town Administrator, Regarding Town Operations

March 17, 2020 Dear Hingham residents and businesses, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on Town of Hingham municipal operations during this evolving public health emergency. As you know, as of the close of business on March 13, 2020, the Town suspended all non-essential municipal services and shifted staff to remote work …

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