Massachusetts Should Push Ahead with Financial Literacy Education

Senator Patrick O’Connor February 2, 2022 By State Senator Patrick M. O’Connor The New Year always brings fresh resolutions, perhaps this year more than most because of what we’ve all endured over the past two years. We all want some sort of fresh start, a sense that we’re doing the right thing, and a good plan moving …

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Are You a Social Capitalist?

Glenn Mangurian January 31, 2022 Submitted by Glenn Mangurian No, not a socialist – a social capitalist. Social capital is the breadth, depth and value of your networks and relationships. A reservoir of social capital is like a bank that can be used to strengthen existing relationships, build new relationships, broaden perspectives and create new …

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Good News from South Shore SNAP

January 28, 2022 Letter Submitted by the South Shore Snap Board of Directors  Hats off to Senator Patrick O’Connor who continues to contribute to our South Shore Special Needs Athletic Partnership (SNAP) community in every way! We are most grateful. South Shore SNAP has begun our 8th year of creating opportunities for those who otherwise have limited access to …

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Hingham Hull Religious Leaders Association Respond to Synagogue Hostage Situation

Photo by Cole Keister January 17, 2022 by the Hingham Hull Religious Leaders Association To the Community: In heartfelt and prayerful response to the recent hostage taking at Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Texas, we write as members of the Hingham Hull Religious Leaders Association, representing a variety of Christian, Jewish, and Unitarian Universalist …

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“Do Good, Feel Good”

Glenn Mangurian January 3, 2022 Submitted by Glen Mangurian For the second year in a row, Covid has cast a shadow on our holiday experience and increased our anxiety about 2022. I recently read about the “Do Good, Feel Good” phenomenon. Psychologists tell us that if a person makes someone else feel good in any way, shape, …

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Opinion: Dear Santa

December 6, 2021 Submitted by Glenn Mangurian Dear Santa, I know this is a busy time of year for you. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the elves are safe and healthy at the North Pole. Last year when I wrote to you, our family was wearing masks, washing our hands often and socially distancing. This year …

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Opinion: Hingham Parents Know Best

November 30, 2021 by Drew Wallace COVID has become a tool of the Hingham Public School (HPS) District to assert control. Early on, when the disease was unknown and without therapeutics, you could never be too cautious. Almost two years later, with mountains of data and impact across age groups, the HPS District still beats the drum …

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This Thanksgiving the Hingham Food Pantry Serves Nutrition and Love

Photo courtesy of Hingham Food Pantry November 15, 2021 by Glenn Mangurian For many of us Thanksgiving is symbolic with football, food and family. Yet, many of our neighbors are struggling to put food on the table. Yes, in Hingham we have families that must stretch their resources to provide for food, housing and health …

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Let Freedom Ring – November 11, 2021

Photo by Thomas Loizeau on Unsplash. November 11, 2021 by David T Sargant You will hear bells on November 11, 2021 throughout your Town at 11:00 AM. It likely will be a cold and blustery day, not unlike those in the past, and more importantly, the day to commemorate the 103rd anniversary of the end …

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