Living with Disability in Hingham

October 18, 2021 by Glenn Mangurian There are places I remember All my life though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places have their moments With lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I’ve loved …

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Opinion: August 26, 2021 and Subsequent Days That Will Live in Infamy

Dave Sargent (courtesy photo) August 30, 2021 by Dave Sargent Imagine the US leaving Hawaii when it was a territory, to the Japanese. Compare the Taliban to the Japanese whose military had murdered between 100,000 and 200,000 helpless Chinese military prisoners and civilians and the rape of 10s of thousands of Chinese women during the …

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Opinion: Back to School (with Pens, Backpacks and Face Coverings)

Glenn Mangurian August 30, 2021 by Glenn Mangurian Yes, it’s that time of year again. Students are stocking up on supplies including masks again. School districts across the country are grappling with the challenges of providing quality education while protecting the health of students, faculty and staff. While we thought we were headed toward recovery …

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Opinion: Gold Medal for Simone Biles

July 30, 2021 submitted by Diane DeNapoli     The news of beloved American Icon Simone Biles withdrawal from the Olympic competition due to medical issues should serve as a turning point in our society about the importance of openly talking about mental health. When I searched for “what happened to Simone Biles,” headlines that …

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Rain on the Parade

Photo courtesy of The Rev. Tim Schenck June 29, 2021 by The Rev. Tim Schenck, Rector of St. John the Evangelist I still remember my first Fourth of July in Hingham. My family and I had moved to town in August of 2009 and all we heard about for the next 11 months was just …

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OPINION: In Search of an Ernest Hemingway Letter

Photo by Alvaro Serrano June 16, 2021, Submitted by James E. Haviland I have often wondered what happened to the Ernest Hemingway letter I “discovered” 50 years ago in the Hingham High School Library. A recent phone call to Hingham Public Library reference librarians Abby Bird McLean and Michael Achille gave me some answers. Here’s …

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Atlantic Development’s Next Steps for the Old Ship Parish Project

Photo by Carol Meyer June 15, 2021, Submitted by DJ MacKinnon, Atlantic Development We would like to thank the residents who attended our June 10 zoom community meeting regarding the future of the Parish Hall property at 107 Main Street. Atlantic Development is working with the Old Ship Church to repurpose the existing 3-acre Parish …

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OPINION: Moving Forward with Old Ship

Photo provided by: Nina Wellford June 15, 2021, Submitted by the Old Ship Parish House Project Management Team: Dennis Hogan, Brian McPhillips, Diane Morrison, Ron Pollara, Nina Wellford, Tom Willson Regarding the recent opinion piece on the Old Ship Parish House by some of its nearby neighbors, the Old Ship congregation appreciates their concerns and …

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OPINION: In Defense of Hingham’s Protective Zoning

Photo provided by: Nina Wellford June 8, 2021, Submitted by Stephen & Whitney Jiranek, Ginger Aborn, and John & Erin Spranger If you feel strongly about upholding Hingham’s well-preserved historic sites and character, it is crucial to be informed about the construction plans for the Old Ship Church and its Parish House. The strength and …

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