Dave Sargent (courtesy photo) Submitted by Dave Sargent, Hingham Resident After three years of a bloody and frustrating war fought in the most punishing environment which ranged from tropical with monsoon rains to 32 degrees below zero, the Korean War ended on July 27, 1953 when China, North Korea and South Korea agreed to an …

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OPINION: Hingham Affordable Housing Trust “unanimous support for Habitat for Humanity’s proposed two-house development at 302-304 Whiting Street”

July 20, 2020 Submitted by Tim White, Chair, Hingham Affordable Housing Trust (This letter was submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals) Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals: Thank you for giving the Hingham Affordable Housing Trust the opportunity to express our unanimous support for Habitat for Humanity’s proposed two-house development at 302-304 Whiting Street.   …

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OPINION: Questioning The Variances for 302 Whiting Street Development

Photo courtesy of John Speredelozzi July 20, 2020 Submitted by John Speredelozzi on behalf of the Derby Brook Condo Association The town has selected Habitat for Humanity to develop affordable housing at 302 Whiting Street. At one time Hingham was planning to use the parcel “for public safety purposes,” but wetland and riverfront setbacks made …

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OPINION: A Road Map to a clean energy future for Massachusetts

June 26, 2020 submitted by Turner Bledsoe, MD (courtesy photo) In the midst of one life threatening crisis, it’s hard to imagine focusing on another at the same time. But the cruel calculus of climate change isn’t taking a break. The carbon dioxide in our atmosphere reached an all-time high of 417 parts per million …

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Opinion-Editorial: Local Tomato Plants for Healthcare Workers

Photo courtesy of John Hersey Hello, friends, family, and fellow Hingham residents, Over the past several months I have been asked by many people why I am collecting old tires. The answer is a simple one but with a story behind it. I’ve decided to share it with the hope of helping others.​ Last year …

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Pushing the Edge with Glenn Mangurian: “I See Invisible People”

Glenn Mangurian “Pushing the Edge” by Glenn Mangurian will be the newest regular column in the Hingham Anchor. You can learn more about the author below.   June 16, 2020 by Glenn Mangurian Yes, I see invisible people. They are everywhere. They walk around like everyone else. They are the transit workers, dishwashers, grocery restockers, …

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Opinion: Education is an Essential Service

June 15, 2020 Submitted by Suzanne Garland  As we close in on 3 months of school closures and start thinking ahead towards Summer and Fall, we must think about what is best for our children. The negative impact of school closures on children has been measured in studies across the globe. They have missed out …

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