OPINION: “Vote Yes to Acquire the Town’s Water System”

April 1, 2019 by Giaff and Alison Ferrante We’re writing to encourage people to go to the April 22 Town Meeting and vote YES to acquire the town water system from Aquarion/Eversource. We’ve lived here since 1987, and 2 of our children and 3 grandchildren live here, so the town’s future means a lot to …

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OPINION: “Show Aquarion that We Won’t Be Duped”

April 1, 2019 by Daniel Miller-Dempsey This week I went to an info session sponsored by https://www.hinghamwater.com with some undecided friends and made the decision to sit back and open my mind. I wanted to hear the information again like I hadn’t had the benefit of hearing it before. I also spent time this past …

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OPINION: “Have an Open Mind”

“It is an axiom of the Democratic system but in the 1950’s it sometimes appears forgotten by some people that only if full examination of all views is had will the better course be discovered and error exposed.” This statement was made in 1956 by Arthur Whittemore, former Hingham Town Counsel and Moderator, as well …

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Opinion Article Guidelines

  The Hingham Anchor welcomes submissions of opinion articles on any town-related topic for publication online.  We will not consider anonymous or pseudonymous submissions and all submissions must be submitted by the original author. Author must provide full name and contact information. (Only your name will appear with your submission online) We accept only completed …

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