South Shore Prepares for New Water Quality Standards

May 15, 2024 By Meteorologist Michael Page Communities across the South Shore are reacting to new federal drinking water guidelines announced by the Environmental Protection Agency this spring. Last month the EPA issued the new guidelines for PFAS, widely used, long lasting chemicals which break down very slowly over time. The chemicals are frequently found …

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Hingham Promotes Composting Options & Composting Survey

January 17, 2024 By The Town of Hingham DPW Superintendent Randy Sylvester, in partnership with the Cleaner Greener Hingham Committee, is proud to announce several ways for residents to compost in Hingham and move closer to our net zero by 2040 goal. Sylvester and his team built a robust composting program over the past three years that …

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Getting to Net Zero Will Depend on How We Heat Our Homes

November 7, 2023 By John borger, Hingham Net Zero Our last post was a primer on electric heat pumps. Why the focus on heat pumps? Hingham’s recently finalized climate action plan rank orders our sources of carbon emissions and shows that heating and cooling (HVAC) is our biggest challenge by far, responsible for almost 70% of emissions, …

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Vote To Create The Hingham Climate Action Commision!

April 7, 2023 By Jo-An Heileman, Hingham Net Zero At our 2021 Town Meeting, Hingham citizens voted overwhelmingly in favor of the goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2040 and forming a committee that would create the Climate Action Plan needed to get there. The Climate Action Planning Committee has drafted the soon-to-be finalized Plan, …

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Let’s Take Single-Use Plastic Water Bottles Out Of The Picture

April 6, 2023 By John Borger, Hingham Net Zero Cleaner Greener Hingham (officially designated as the Long Range Waste Disposal and Recycling Committee) is a chartered Town committee of citizen volunteers whose mission is to reduce environmental pollution, identify sustainable solutions for recycling and waste management, and encourage related best practices in Town through education and bylaw proposals. …

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FAQ’s Regarding Bylaw Banning Single Use Plastic Water Bottles

March 29, 2023 Submitted by Cleaner Greener Hingham Voters will consider a number of important issues at Spring Town Meeting, including approving a bylaw from Cleaner Greener Hingham (CGH) banning the sale of plain water in small single-use plastic containers under one gallon in size. As voters consider their options, we – the members of CGH – would …

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What’s the Deal with Heat Pumps?

March 29, 2023 by John Borger, Hingham Net Zero You’ve probably heard about heat pumps and may have questions. Let’s explore what these devices are and what they can do. We’ll focus on the more affordable air-source heat pumps which extract heat from the ambient air. (Ground-source, or “geothermal” heat pumps rely on temperatures many feet underground and …

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Save The Vaquitas!

March 10, 2023 By Charlie Inglis Meet the vaquita. It is an adorable, tiny porpoise. It also happens to be the most endangered animal in the world! With only 10 individuals left of their species, these small cetaceans are very near extinction. Terrible, right? Here is some more information about vaquitas. The vaquita grows up …

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Hingham’s Climate Action Plan – A Special Briefing for You!

December 6, 2022 Submitted by John Borger, Hingham Net Zero Hopefully you’ve taken a few minutes to read Carol Britton Meyer’s 10/19/2022 highly informative article, “Citizen Involvement Key to Climate Action Plan’s Success”, on the Green Living tab. Carol reports on the update that Brad Moyer, Chair of the Climate Action Planning Committee (CAPC) presented to the …

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