Chief Olsson Reacts to Fireworks News with Gratitude and a Plea for Volunteers


From:  Chief Glenn Olsson
Date:   May 6th, 2019
Re:       4th of July Fireworks

Over the past 9 years I have worked with Mark Casale, President of Lions Club to set up the fireworks display at Hingham Harbor. Each year I have witnessed the struggle to maintain funding and club members to make it all work. I want to thank each and every member of Lions Club and Mark for their dedication to the town of Hingham.  The Fireworks, like the 4thof July Parade are tradition that we have all grown to love.

Each year the cost of fireworks rise and it costs from $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 dollars depending length of show and type of show.   It would be great if Hingham residents and business could find a way to continue this tradition. Perhaps a charitable organization dedicated to the cause can take over the leadership.  Hingham is rich in tradition and family values. Between the Fireworks and Parade it exemplifies what Hingham Citizens value.

As child I watched with the fireworks with my family, as a parent I got to see my children enjoy the fireworks  and as a grandfather I have seen my grandkids enjoy firework display.

Thank you Mark and the Lions Club for all your efforts.

Thank You,

Chief Olsson


1 thought on “Chief Olsson Reacts to Fireworks News with Gratitude and a Plea for Volunteers”

  1. So how would one volunteer or donate to the 4th of fireworks. No one has mentioned how to do this or provided links to do so…


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