Chilly Mornings, Weekend Warm-Up, and Drought: 3 Things to Know about this Week’s Weather

Fall in Hingham Cemetery. Anchor Staff Photo

October 4, 2020 by Michael Page, Meteorologist
This week we’re looking ahead to a long weekend, and generally speaking, pleasant Autumn weather continues to rule the day in Hingham.

1. Chilly Mornings

With more and more students slowly going back to school in person, you again have to think about what to wear at the morning bus stop.

Most mornings this week will bring temperatures around 50 degrees, but by Friday morning, you’ll notice a change. Morning temperatures will be closer to 40. By Saturday morning, we’ll likely wake up to temperatures in the 30s.

2. Drought Worsens

It will be another week with very little rain in Hingham, as the town officially reaches “extreme” drought status.

A spot shower is possible Monday, as a plume of moisture passes offshore, and then expect a few more light showers on Wednesday as a cold front swings through. These will not be all day washouts by any means, just a few minor interruptions from time to time.

Other than that, we’ll enjoy lots of sunshine, particularly on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.

3. Weekend Warm-Up

Afternoon temperatures Monday and Tuesday will be seasonable, in the 60s. We’ll be around 70 on Wednesday, before highs slip close to 60 Thursday and Friday.

As we head into next weekend, which is a long weekend, there are signs that temperatures warm back up.

By Sunday it’s possible we’re flirting with 80 degrees again!

Do you have a personal forecast request, or a weather question you’d like answered? Reach out to Michael at


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