COVID-19 Update: 16 New Hingham Cases Reported Today

September 16, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported 16 new COVID-19 cases in Hingham as of today, Sept. 16, moving the town from the "gray" category (less than five reported cases within the last 14 days as of Sept. 10) to the moderate-risk "yellow" category, due to 24 reported cases over the past 14 days.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Hingham since Jan. 1 is 321-- up from 305 last week. The total number of cases reported on Aug. 19 was 294; Aug. 26, 296; 298 on Sept. 2, and 305 on Sept. 10. There are overlaps in the way some of the data is collected and reported.

It is unclear from the MDPH statistics charts how many cases in Hingham relate to nursing home/senior living facility residents.

The Hingham Anchor reached out to town officials asking their perspective on the most recent Hingham numbers and is awaiting their response.

Under the state's four-color system of categorizing the average daily test rate in the state's 351 communities over a two-week period, the other categories are: red, highest risk, and green, lower- risk.
Under Gov. Charlie's most recent COVID-19 order, a cross-agency COVID Enforcement and Intervention Team will be responsible for ramping up enforcement statewide -- in cooperation with local intervention -- in higher-risk communities.

The order also calls for targeted interventions and inspections by a range of agencies, with increased enforcement -- including potential fines -- to ensure businesses and residents are aware of and following COVID-19 orders.

State and Hingham officials continue to emphasize the importance of wearing face masks and social distancing, along with abiding by other COVID-19 guidelines.

Visit  for COVID-19 information and updates.

1 thought on “COVID-19 Update: 16 New Hingham Cases Reported Today”

  1. I REALLY wish that they would give more info on the demographics around the cases. Age, nursing homes, and the source of the infections. I grew up in WNY and in our community paper, they say that a “Man age 45 was tested positive from Coronavirus. It is presumed community spread as contract tracing did not produce source of spread”. or “Woman, Age 29 has tested positive from Coronavirus after exhibiting symptoms. Through contact tracing, she attended a wedding and 3 other wedding guests tested positive.” I feel this gives us so much more comfort to be able to act upon the information as well as also give alarm that no one is exempt from contracting the virus. It would really help to make it real and this information as stated above does NOT conflict with any HIPA privacy rules.


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