COVID Update: Hingham, With Five New Cases, Still in ‘Yellow’ Zone photo

October 1, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

With five new Hingham COVID-19 cases reported this week by the Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health, Hingham remains in the moderate-risk "yellow" zone. The total number of Hingham cases since Jan. 1 is now 338, with 14 new cases reported in the last 14 days.

This is the third week in a row that Hingham has stayed out of the high-risk "red" zone, which according to new state COVID-19 guidelines, means that soon Hingham will be allowed to increase the number of spectators at sports events from the current 50 to either 100 or up to 250, depending on the size of the venue.

That said, Hingham High School Director of Athletics Jim Quatromoni is waiting for a response from Gov. Charlie Baker's press office as to which category athletic fields fall under -- outdoor performance, or outdoor gatherings at event venues and in public settings.

That answer will determine how many more spectators will be allowed at Hingham sports events. For further details, see today's earlier story --

The 'yellow" category is one zone away from "red," and Quatromoni joins town officials in urging all residents to remain vigilant with their social distancing and the wearing of face masks to help prevent Hingham from being downgraded to the high-risk zone.

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