Driving with Doris

July 29, 2021 by Gabrielle Martin

Doris McCann grew up in Revere: "Yes, the North Shore. People said you could see my claw marks coming down 93 when I left," she jokes. "My ex-husband was from Duxbury and convinced me that we would be happy living on the South Shore. Well, at that time, the farthest South I could go without dialing a '1' to call my family and friends on the North Shore was Hingham, so Hingham it was!"

That was 32 years ago when Doris moved to town, pregnant with her first child; she's lived at 25 Kimball Beach Road ever since. "Kimball Beach, as it was when I first moved here and still is today, has always been a magical place to me."

During this time, Doris was a stay-at-home mom to her two children, Richard and Emma, and she says she "could not have been happier." However, she returned to work after separating from her husband.

Doris explains, "I was determined to stay in my house and stay in Hingham.  I was already working part time at CVS and realized I had to do more; that was when I decided to get my bus license."

That was 17 years ago: "That job became so much more to me than any job I have had," Doris shares. "All those kids that passed through the doors of Bus 12 all became my bus family. This town has been incredible to me, so supportive of me in anything I do. I can't imagine ever leaving!"

When asked what her favorite part of a day-on-the-job is, Doris says, "It would have to be when the kids first get on. I try to make sure everyone has a good start to their day by playing fun music and just chatting about things going on with everyone."

A decade after she began bus driving, Doris decided to get her driving instructor license. "A good amount of kids I teach to drive are Bus 12 alumni.  I just love seeing how they have grown up, and love having the opportunity to teach them to drive."

She adds, "I totally shift gears when I go from the bus to the drivers' ed car. I love the chatting that takes place in that car! You just would not believe the conversations I've had."


Hingham, if you haven't already, meet Doris!

I actually already knew Doris from my drivers' ed days, when she very patiently taught me to parallel park. Those familiar with the Revere native will tell you she's a dynamic individual who brightens every room (or vehicle) she enters; she's certainly a staple in our community, and for this reason, we are happy to recognize her as our latest Human of Hingham.

Q&A with Doris McCann

If you had a different career, what would it be?

"I was a concierge at the Hyatt Hotel when I first entered the workforce after college. I just loved it! The hotel industry was always fascinating to me. I love the fast pace and working with the public in that way.."

What are you most looking forward to in the year to come?  

"The year to come is going to be so different for me: I will be taking care of my granddaughter full-time. While doing this, I will continue to do CVS and drivers' ed, but will only be able to fill in on the bus, which has been a really hard thing for me. I love being with my granddaughter, but not seeing my kids on Bus 12 everyday will be a huge gap in my life. I just adore each and everyone of them."

What was it like to become a grandmother?

"AMAZING! I love my Bella so much. I knew I would. As wonderful as it has been becoming a grandmother, watching my son become a father has taken my breath away; I knew he would be a great dad, I didn't realize how incredible he would be at it."

Where's your favorite place to grab a bite to eat in town?

"This is tough for me, but I would have to say Crow Point Pizza for take out."

Hingham may be home, but when you need a getaway, where do you go?

"I hop in my car and head to my family cottage in Maine. My happy place for sure."

What's one thing people may not know about you?

"I lived in Hawaii for a year.  While I was there, I trained and worked as a Christmas Elf in a Christmas Village; I learned how to make toy soldiers and had an elf costume. So much fun!"

Do you have a favorite quote?

"A very simple one: 'It's nice to be nice.' I use that on my bus all the time."

Should you find yourself fortunate enough to be a customer at CVS or student in drivers' ed with Doris, or if you see her 'round town picking up some Crow Point pizza, be sure to say hello to our latest Human of Hingham.

4 thoughts on “Driving with Doris”

  1. Being a bus driver is not easy and as a teacher in town, I know how happy Doris made the students and they looked forward to seeing her. A good start to the school day makes such a difference to the learning throughout the day. Thank you Doris. See you about town.

  2. Doris is such an upbeat person with a contagious smile,
    I love that about her. She makes me smile whenever I see her! ❤️


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