EEE: Information from the Hingham Board of Health - Hingham Anchor

EEE: Information from the Hingham Board of Health

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The Hingham Health Department is monitoring the risk level of mosquito-borne illnesses on a daily basis. We follow an Arbovirus Surveillance plan through the MA Dept. of Public Health and Plymouth County Mosquito Control. The purpose of the plan is so that all towns within Massachusetts follow the same approach to mosquito control. The Health Department receives a daily email update on mosquito activity in our area. We also receive a 24/7 text alert if our risk level changes.

The key aspects of our coordinated plan include;

*Trapping of mosquitoes in strategic areas to watch for EEE and WNV trends

*Laboratory diagnosis of WNV and EEE cases in humans, horses and other animals

*A consistent and phased response to reduce the risk of infection.

As the Hingham Health Department works with Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Plymouth County Mosquito Control, we urge residents to take personal protection. This will be our recommendation even if we have a ground or aerial spray. These precautions include:

* Eliminating breeding grounds- Mosquitoes use standing water to breed. Eliminate sources of standing water in your property such as kiddie pools, buckets and birdbaths.

*Apply bug repellent- Use EPA approved bug repellent especially when going outside at dawn and dusk.

*Mosquito-proof your home- Check screens and doors for any tears.

Our course of action will depend on the sampling results in and around our area. Residents can assess more information through the Hingham Health Department’s website,, or calling the Health Department @ 781-741-1466.

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