These sessions are in person only and focus on the sacred authors’ intent and not designed to discuss individual insights. Each course is independent although participants will notice that they build on understandings gained in the process. There will be suggested assignments from the Bible for the second through fourth sessions. Please bring a Bible ...
These sessions are in person only and focus on the sacred authors’ intent and not designed to discuss individual insights. Each course is independent although participants will notice that they build on understandings gained in the process. There will be suggested assignments from the Bible for the second through fourth sessions. Please bring a Bible ...
"All larger-than-life questions about our presence here on earth and what gifts we have to offer are spiritual questions. To seek answers to these questions is to seek a sacred path. As we find our meaning and purpose we also realize that some invisible form of guidance has been leading us. We may not be ...
The film Journey of the Universe is an epic story of comic and earth evolution drawing on the latest scientific knowledge in a way that is both relevant and moving. What emerges is an intensely poetic story, which evokes emotions of awe and excitement, fear and joy, belonging and responsibility. This film transforms how we ...
These sessions are in person only and focus on the sacred authors’ intent and not designed to discuss individual insights. Each course is independent although participants will notice that they build on understandings gained in the process. There will be suggested assignments from the Bible for the second through fourth sessions. Please bring a Bible ...
Hingham's Annual Touch A Truck put on by Hingham Nursery School. Open to the public! Families can enjoy exploring moving trucks to police cars to dump trucks, a bouncy house, face painting and more. Come to Hingham Bathing Beach on Saturday, September 21st, open from 10-1. Tickets $10/kid, $30/family cap
This program focuses on a little-known but widespread movement of women who lived independent lives serving the gospel as they felt led by the Holy Spirit. Their influence in the realm of spirituality was significant, and Beguines kept alive the gospel imperative to serve the marginalized and oppressed. Through their writings and teachings, we will ...
We are all creative! Develop and unleash your creativity by joining Kay Trask and a small group of your peers for a 12 week program exploring your creativity based on the classic bestseller, The Artist’s Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. The process will challenge us to look closely at ourselves, ...
The desert mothers are speaking to us today. So, who are these women, and what is their message? Their times were as tumultuous as ours today. Why are these women calling out to us today? What are they trying to say to us? God always brings the prophetic voices to each generation that WE need ...
These sessions are in person only and focus on the sacred authors’ intent and not designed to discuss individual insights. Each course is independent although participants will notice that they build on understandings gained in the process. There will be suggested assignments from the Bible for the second through fourth sessions. Please bring a Bible ...
Ralph’s Hingham Wine Merchant is The Destination for wine, beer and food lovers on the South Shore. They taste and personally select every single item stocked, and take pride in building an atmosphere in the store that is welcoming, educational and—most important—Fun. Stop in for A Bottle or A Case! Come Join Us After Work ...
We are all creative! Develop and unleash your creativity by joining Kay Trask and a small group of your peers for a 12 week program exploring your creativity based on the classic bestseller, The Artist’s Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron. The process will challenge us to look closely at ourselves, ...
Oyster Harbors Marine, 26 Summer Street, Hingham, MA 02043
Don’t Miss the End of Season Boat Show at Oyster Harbors Marine! Oyster Harbors Marine invites boating enthusiasts to its highly anticipated End of Season Boat Show in Hingham! This exciting event offers a fantastic opportunity to explore a wide selection of demo boats and pre-owned beauties from top brands such as Albemarle, Everglades, Limestone, ...
Oyster Harbors Marine, 26 Summer Street, Hingham, MA 02043
Don’t Miss the End of Season Boat Show at Oyster Harbors Marine! Oyster Harbors Marine invites boating enthusiasts to its highly anticipated End of Season Boat Show in Hingham! This exciting event offers a fantastic opportunity to explore a wide selection of demo boats and pre-owned beauties from top brands such as Albemarle, Everglades, Limestone, ...