Fire Alarm Issue Causes Foster School Evacuation - Hingham Anchor

Fire Alarm Issue Causes Foster School Evacuation

Photo by Joshua Ross Photography

October 22, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

The fire alarm at Foster School was activated this morning. The Hingham Fire Department responded and remained on the scene to determine the cause.

"All students and staff safely evacuated the building," Principal Beth Wilcox stated in an email to Foster families.

Fire Chief Steve Murphy told the Hingham Anchor that an electrical short in the fire alarm panel caused the system to malfunction. "There was no fire or other problems," he said.  "Most of the school's alarm system was not affected.  The alarm company will be replacing the part." Students were dismissed at the usual time -- 12:50 p.m.

"School will continue tomorrow, with a fire watch patrolling the affected area until the system is repaired," Murphy said.

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