Five Minutes With Geri Duff - Hingham Anchor

Five Minutes With Geri Duff

February 13, 2025 By Carol Britton Meyer

Welcome to “Five Minutes With” — Anchor’s new feature to help us get to know our neighbors. Everyone has a unique story to tell, so let’s get to know each other a bit more! Have someone you’d love to spend five minutes getting to know? Email us at

Carol Britton Meyer recently connected with longtime Hingham resident Geri Duff. You can learn more about Geri here — her role with the  Bare Cove Fire Museum, her “Way Back Wednesday” Hingham Anchor feature, her favorite local spot, and more!

Roles in the community: Currently I am a tour guide for the Bare Cove Fire Museum, sharing the firefighting from Hingham’s past with visitors and the Hingham Anchor.

What your work involves: The Bare Cove Fire Museum tells the story of firefighting in New England using primarily Hingham equipment, log books, and photographs. Using these materials, I can help people learn about the development of the fire service. Sometimes I just stand back to let visitors go about on their own, and occasionally I give a full-hour tour.

Your favorite part of the “Way Back Wednesday” feature and your involvement with the fire museum:  The best part is when I come across an interesting photo in the museum’s collection, write a brief caption, and email it off to the Hingham Anchor. After the “Way Back” photo runs, I get comments from my friends across the country and here in Hingham about how much they enjoy it.

What you hope to/have accomplished so far in these roles: By sharing photographs in the Hingham Anchor,  many people have donated all kinds of materials to the fire museum. Recently we received a donation of a cast iron toy horse-drawn ladder truck and will be putting a display of toys together.

Do you have any pets and a little about them: We don’t have any pets, but I live on Squirrel Hill. We have a special squirrel house in one of our trees for them.

What makes  Hingham unique: The combination of the history of the town and the people who contributed to it.

What do you enjoy doing most in your spare time? I love reading, and I am a big fan of the Hingham Public Library.

Favorite Hingham restaurant and meal: The Snug and their steak tips.

Favorite Hingham local spot: Triphammer Pond.

Favorite vacation destination: North Conway, New Hampshire.

Do you have a hidden talent? I am a good listener.

Interesting fact about yourself that others may not know about: I have an amateur radio license; my call sign is KB1ISG.

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