Foster School project update

Foster School. Photo by Dan Leahy

May 21, 2024 By Carol Britton Meyer

Following the recent news that the new Foster School will not open at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year as previously planned due to unforeseen circumstances, an update was shared at last night’s School Committee meeting.

“The reason is multi-faceted,” School Committee Vice Chair Michelle Ayer said – “primarily due to labor shortages and supply chain issues” as well as the weather.

“We will need to wait for official word from the School Building Committee of the possible date the building will be open to plan for how to proceed for a move-in during the school year,” Adams said. “The preferred move-in dates are around a vacation or long weekend, such as Thanksgiving or winter break.”

The superintendent also provided an overall construction progress report following a recent SBC meeting related to the sitework contractor remobilizing to the site; mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and masonry work; and installation of some of the exterior windows and drywall on all floors.

“Progress is being made but just not fast enough to get into the building [in time for the beginning of the new school year],” she said.

1 thought on “Foster School project update”

  1. Labor shortage? Have you seen the enormous amount of cars from workers parking however they feel? Are they using their labor to clean up the trash they leave behind?


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