Glenn Mangurian writes "Dear Santa" - Hingham Anchor

Glenn Mangurian writes “Dear Santa”

Photo courtesy of Glenn Mangurian

December 10, 2020 by Glenn Mangurian

Dear Santa,

I know this is a busy time of year for you. I hope you, Mrs. Claus and the elves are safe and healthy at the North Pole. Last year I wrote to you for my grandkids, Jack and Izzy. This year they have written to you separately. They have been really good wearing their masks, washing their hands and socially distancing.

Today I am writing for those who are struggling with the coronavirus and other serious health issues. While you are out delivering with the reindeer, could you bring some things to them? I’ve assembled a list of things they could really use. Maybe you could deliver a few of these.

• Hope for the families whose lives have been devastated by Covid-19 this year

• Compassion for the poor, hungry, sick and homeless who live day to day

• Courage for those who advocate for tolerance, diversity and inclusion and who speak out against injustice

• Civility and Humility for our elected officials and public servants who debate different positions on social and political topics

• Wisdom for those decision-makers whose choices affect the well-being of many

• Perspective for those who are trapped in their ideology as the truth

• Gratitude for the military soldiers, first responders, health care workers and other essential workers who risk their lives for our safety

The Christmas season is about caring for other people. Whether a believer or not, the spirit of Santa lives in the hearts of everyone who does something selfless for another person. I believe!

Happy holidays to the Claus family,

Glenn Mangurian

Glenn Mangurian has been a resident of Hingham for 35 years. He is a retired business leader with more than four decades of experience driving innovation and results with his clients. Glenn remains active with his writing, speaking, family, and community.

In May 2001, Glenn suffered an injury to his spinal cord, resulting in the paralysis of his lower body. Drawing on his personal experience, he authored an article titled “Realizing What You’re Made Of,” which was published in March 2007 in the Harvard Business Review. In May 2017 he published his first book, Pushing the Edge of Thought, Possibility and Action – Questions and Insights from Everyday Life.

Glenn Mangurian can be reached at:

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