Good news for boaters: World's End temporary mooring restrictions modified - Hingham Anchor

Good news for boaters: World’s End temporary mooring restrictions modified

worlds end
July 29, 2020 by Carol Britton Meyer

Boaters holding 2020 Hingham mooring docking permits will be happy to hear that the Selectmen have approved modifications to the COVID-19-related World's End temporary mooring restrictions put in place May 26 for the safety of boaters and the harbormaster and staff.

Now, rather than a restriction limiting the number of boats per mooring to one,  three vessels will be allowed on a mooring or an anchor, with a social distance of 50 feet required between each mooring but not between the up-to-three boats tied to the same anchor or mooring.

Looking back to May 26 -- upon the recommendation of Harbormaster Kenneth Corson -- the Selectmen approved limiting mooring or anchoring in the World's End mooring field to 2020 permit holders.

Due to the state loosening some boating restrictions recently, Corson explained at last night's remote Selectmen's meeting, he felt it was time to do the same at World's End.

"Boaters have done an excellent job this year under COVID-19 restrictions, and we want them to be able to gather together a little more while maintaining a safe environment and allowing more boaters to enjoy the World's End experience," Corson said.

David Giagrando of Metropolitan Yacht Club in Braintree was there with fellow members to ask why boaters using World's End are required to hold a 2020 Hingham permit.

"That's a great question," responded Corson. "The reason for the restriction is that if we just allowed every single boat to drop anchor at World's End, there wouldn't be enough space, and that doing so could cause navigational and other safety issues, especially with COVID-19."

Corson noted that this restriction isn't resident-based. "Many boaters who hold 2020 permits are not Hingham residents," he said.

Other restrictions include no overnight anchoring without prior written approval from the harbormaster.

Selectmen Chair Mary Power noted that a petition had been submitted to the town asking for the board to ease boating restrictions. "We appreciate that this was sent to us," she said.


1 thought on “Good news for boaters: World’s End temporary mooring restrictions modified”

  1. You do NOT OWN the OCEAN Hingham…!!! I will be there again this weekend and i m not leaving. I am a US Navy Veteran too.


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