Harbormaster expecting busy boating season - Hingham Anchor

Harbormaster expecting busy boating season

May 5, 2021 by Carol Britton Meyer

Harbormaster Kenneth Corson expects a "kind of return to normal" boating season this year -- which comes as a welcome relief to boaters from Hingham and other communities following the implementation of COVID-19 restrictions in 2020. "We're cautiously optimistic," he told the Selectmen Tuesday night.

While boating is always popular, it's never been more so than during the pandemic, when individuals and families take to their boats to escape what seems at times to be an everything-COVID environment.

"Eighty-percent of the town's mooring permits have already been issued, and boats are starting to go into the water," Corson said. "At this time, we're proceeding with normal operations."

Any changes based on state COVID guidance will be posted on the town website and social media, with notices to those holding mooring permits as well.

The harbormaster's office is working on new mooring regulations that will replace the COVID-19 rules of last year and a new mooring plan for World's End -- including a possible 13 new moorings and increased access to the mooring field -- that will be presented at an upcoming board meeting.

World's End has four transient moorings, and that number might increase as part of the potential 13 new moorings "to allow more boaters from outside Hingham to enjoy that area," Corson said.

At the same time, he continued, "We want to ensure Hingham boaters can stay local and enjoy the water."

There are currently 11 assistant harbormasters.

In related business at the meeting, the Selectmen appointed Robert Sullivan as part-time assistant harbormaster for a three-year period. He is already working for the harbormaster's office.

Corson described Sullivan as "personable, kind, and caring, with good interaction with boaters in helping to meet their needs on the water."

Sullivan -- who grew up in Hingham, attended Hingham High School, and now works for a local environmental firm -- has a wealth of knowledge about Hingham's waterways, according to Corson.

"We're expecting a lot of fun and sun on the water this year!" Selectman Joseph Fisher quipped.

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